Introduction to Psychology
Bio Pysch and Health and Stress
Sensation and Perception
What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
Observe & Theroize Formulate a hypothesis Design a study Collect data Apply results to the hypothesis
What is stress?
the psychological and physiological response to a condition that threatens or challenges a individuals and requires some form of adjustment or adaptation
What are the 5 primary taste sensations? Where are the receptor cells for taste found?
Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami. Taste buds on the tongue.
A relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, capability, or attitude that is acquired through experience and cannot be attributed to illness, injury, or maturation?
What is learning?
What is the process of encoding, storage and retrieval information?
What are the goals of psychology?
Description, explanation, prediction and influence
What are some stressors / hassles?
examples: positive: planning a party negative: the death of a pet
How do kinesthetic and vestibular senses effect balance?
The kinesthetic sense helps to know the position of body parts in relation to one another. The vestibular sense detects movement and helps to know where the body is in space. Both these senses help us to move around and stay balanced.
A physician who was engaged in research aimed at clarifying the role of saliva in the process of digestion. He later won the Noble Peace Prize for his work with classical conditioning.
Who is Pavlov?
What are the characteristics of sensory memory?
The capacity is large Visual is only fraction of a second auditory is about 2 seconds
what are the types of research in psychology?
Basic research - to learn something new about science and psychology Applied research- solve problems and apply the result to real life
Responses to stress
adrenal cortex releases glucocorticoids that increase heart rate, blood pressure and sugar levels.
What is the difference between absolute and difference threshold.
Absolute threshold is the minimum amount of sensory stimulation that can be detected 50% of the time, whereas difference threshold is a measure of the smallest increase or decrease in a physical stimulus that is required to produce a difference in sensation that is noticeable 50% of the time.
Rat learns to press a lever to obtain a food pellet
What is positive reinforcement?
What is the difference between short term memory and working memory?
Short term memory: the component of the memory system that holds 7 (from 5-9) items for less than 30 seconds without rehearsal. Working memory: The memory subsystem that we use when we try to understand information, remember it or use it to solve a problem or communicate with someone
what are the foundations of psychology?
psychoanalytic behaviorism humanistic perspective introspective functionalism cognitive perspective sociocultural evolutionary approach biological perspective
What are the different types of behaviors?
type a:time urgency, impatient, hostility, and anger type b:relaxed and easy going type d: chronic distress, surprise of negative emotions
What do the Gestalt principles include? (HINT there are 5)
Figure-ground, similarity, proximity, continuity, and closure
Rat learns to press a lever to turn off an annoying stimulus such as a food buzzer
What is negative reinforcement?
What is stored in semantic memory?
General knowledge is stored in semantic memory along with objective facts. Objective facts found in an encyclopedia or dictionary would be found in semantic memory.
What is Frantz's study?
Frantz did a study where baby chicks gravitate towards things that are a similar shape to baby seeds and human babies gravitate towards things that are a similar shape to a face.
Name which side of the brains corresponds with what you do.
Left: objectivity, language, logic and math right: creativity, emotion, art and music
Describe frequency, amplitude and timbre. *all or nothing answer
Frequency: difference in pitch amplitude: level of loudness timbre: distinctive quality of a sound that distinguishes it from another sound with pitch and loudness
Sam and her mother are both terrified of heights.
What is observational learning?
How does memory affect the judicial system? Give an example.
Memory can be skewed by misinformation or false memory. This was Loftus' theory. They remember the event as told not by legitimate memory. ex. Robert Cotton- used in class