One who scores low on IQ tests but demonstrates some remarkable gift/talent such as math or drawing ability.
The movement of the early 1900’s that was devoted to improving the human species through the control of hereditary factors in mating.
Give an example of someone who would have musical intelligence
Any musician basically
Beethoven/Mozart/Beyonce ETC
How many intelligences does Howard Gardener say there are?
What temperament is Eeyore?
REM Rebound
Increased frequency, depth, and intensity of rapid-eye-movement sleep following sleep deprivation or significant stressors. Dreams are typically longer and more intense.
The ability to use one’s own body in physical activities such as dancing, athletics, etc.
Body/Kinesthetic Intelligence
Name 2 of Howard Gardeners intelligences and what they mean.
Linguistic Intelligence-Skill/ability in using speech and language.
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence-Ability to use abstract reasoning; solve math and logic problems
Visual/Spatial Intelligence - The ability to perceive visual information
Body/Kinesthetic Intelligence -The ability to use one’s own body in physical activities such as dancing, athletics, etc.
Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence -The ability to perform and/or appreciate music.
Interpersonal Intelligence -The ability to understand the feelings and motives of others
Intrapersonal Intelligence -The ability to know ourselves; understanding one’s own feelings and desires.
Naturalistic Intelligence - Ability to understand nature and environment- recognize and classify plants, animals, minerals.
What program was created to help financially disadvantage children in school?
Who is the father of psychology?
Sigmund Freud
the part of the mind which is inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behavior and emotions.
The scientific study of the mind and behavior.
Name the four temperments
Sanguine Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Melancholy
What is one advantage of IQ Testing
placement in education or gauging the average intelligence of the individual
What is superior intelligence?
Formerly known as geniuses - people with high IQ (sometimes) or high knowledge.
The ability to perceive visual information
Spatial Intelligence
Common test biases on IQ tests.
White middle class versus black or poor.
Difference between sensing and intuition?
Facts and bigger picture versus abstract feelings.
Albert Einstein is someone who has what intelligence?
The theory that human and animal behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that some mental conditions are best treated by altering behavior patterns.
the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest.
A person’s sense of self-esteem or self importance
the part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards learned from parents and teachers.
ID, Ego, and Superego
Who created the first workable IQ test?
Alfred Binet
Whose personality changed after a major brain injury?
Phineas gage
What is the best way for an accurate IQ test?
One on one testing done more than once.