Psychological Disorders Pt.1
Psychological Disorders Pt. 2
Social Pt. 1
Social Pt. 2
In comparison to generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder is characterized by periods of distress that are...? more intense and more prolonged? more intense and less prolonged? less intense and less prolonged? less intense and more prolonged?
What is more intense and less prolonged?
The prominent feature of mood disorder is the experience of...? social phobia? flat affect? emotional extremes? paranoia?
What is emotional extremes?
Carl Rogers referred to a caring, non-judgmental attitude as...? active listening? free association? unconditional positive regard? positive reinforcement?
What is unconditional positive regard?
The fundamental attribution error refers to our tendency to underestimate the impact of ______ and to overestimate the impact of _____ in explaining the behavior of others. central persuasion; peripheral persuasion? personal dispositions;situational influences? peripheral persuasion; central persuasion? situational influences; personal dispositions?
What is situational influences; personal dispositions?
Accepting others' opinions about reality is to ________ as the desire to gain approval is to _________ deindividuation; social facilitation? social facilitation; deindividuation? informational social influence; normative social influence? normative social influence; informational social influence?
What is informational social influence; normative social influence?
Obsessive thoughts typically ______ anxiety and compulsive behaviors typically ______ anxiety. increase;increase? decrease; decrease? increase;decrease? decrease; decrease?
What is increase;decrease?
The following symptoms: erratic behavior, grandiose thoughts/dreams, and feeling of invincibility are common to what disorder? excessive optimism? phobia? panic disorder? mania?
What is mania?
In one treatment for bed-wetting, the child sleeps on a liquid-sensitive pad that when wet, triggers an alarm and awakens the child. this treatment is a form of...? biomedical therapy? cognitive therapy? behavior therapy? humanistic therapy?
What is behavior therapy?
Instead of providing arguments in favor of a political candidate, ads may build political support by associating pictures of the candidate with emotion-evoking music and image. This strategy best illustrates...? role-playing? the peripheral route to persuasion? cognitive dissonance? informational social influence?
What is the peripheral route to persuasion?
According to Milgram, the most fundamental lesson to be learned from his study of obedience is that...? people are hostile and aggressive? even ordinary people can be become agents of destruction? the desire to be accepted by others is a very strong motive? people value their freedom and react negatively when coerced.
What is even ordinary people, can become agents of destruction?
Psychological disorders characterized by inflexible, enduring, and socially maladaptive behavior patterns are called ______ disorders? acute? Free-floating? reactive? personality?
What is personality?
In which disorder to people alternate between states of lethargic hopelessness and wild over-excitement? anxiety disorder? bipolar disorder? seasonal affective disorder? major depressive disorder?
What is bipolar disorder?
The placebo effect refers to...? relief from symptoms without psychotherapy? the alleviation of depression and anxiety by means of aerobic exercise? the use of drugs int he therapeutic treatment of psychological disorders? the beneficial consequences of merely expecting that a treatment will be effective?
What is the beneficial consequences of merely expecting that a treatment will be effective?
Philip Zimbardo devised a simulated prison and randomly assigned college students to serve as a prisoners and guards. This experiment best illustrated the impact of...? team membership on social behavior? frustration on aggressive behavior? self-disclosure on cooperation? role-playing on attitudes?
What is role-playing on attitudes?
Prejudice is a(n) _______; discrimination is a(n) ______. dispositional attribution; situational attribution? ingroup bias; outgroup bias? explicit behavior; implicit behavior? attitude; behavior?
What is attitude; behavior?
A disorder which includes characteristics of: above average intelligence, charming behavior, great at manipulation, little feeling for other people, and no fear is what? post-traumatic stress disorder? antisocial personality disorder? dissociative disorders? generalized anxiety disorder?
What is antisocial personality disorder?
Schizophrenia is associated with an excess of receptors for? norepinephrine? dopamine? serotonin? acetylcholine?
What is dopamine?
Selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI's) are frequently prescribed for the treatment of...? tardive dyskinesia? schizophrenia? depression? mania?
What is depression?
The discomfort we feel when two thoughts are inconsistent or when our behavior is not consistent with our self concept is...? cognitive dissonance? antisocial reaction? prejudice? the fundamental attribution error?
What is cognitive dissonance?
After receiving a set of name and address labels from the St. Mary's Hospital, you feel obligated to mail a cash donation to the organization. This illustrates the impact of the...? mere exposure effect? bystander effect? self-disclosure? the reciprocity norm?
What is the reciprocity norm?
Psychiatrists and Psychologists label behavior as disordered when it is...?
What is deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional.
The distinctive features used to identify the three clusters of personality disorders are ...?
What is anxiety, eccentricity, and impulsivity.
Besides psychotherapy, what is one good alternative to antidepressant drugs is ...?
What is aerobic exercise?
If you enter a committee discussion and you are against the proposed plan of action. You are more likely to vote in favor of their plain if...? other committee members are unanimous in their opinion? your personal opinion is stated early in the discussion? committee voting is done by private ballot? you have a high level of self-esteem?
What is other committee members are unanimous in their opinion?
Comedy routines that are mildly amusing to people in an uncrowded room seem funnier in a densely packed room. this is best explained by...? group polarization? social facilitation? deindividuation? social control?
What is social facilitation?