psychological test of emotion/personality, using inkblots
Rorschach test
tendency to seek out information that confirms one's beliefs
confirmation bias
This region of the brain that is important in motor control, latin for "little brain"
theory stating that a person's behavior is determined by repressed unconscious conflicts
psychoanalytic theory
the country that is known as the "Land of the Rising Sun"
test that measures personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
Big Five Personality Test
This psychologist’s famous experiment on authority cast students in the roles of prisoners and prison guards.
Philip Zimbardo
The retrograde type of this condition applies to events prior to a head injury. Anterograde to events after it.
person who developed the concept of operant conditioning
B. F. Skinner
groundbreaking substance that revolutionized medicine by combatting bacterial infections, discovered in 1928
a projective test that uses ambiguous pictures to assess personality
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
known for the Little Albert experiment on fear conditioning
John B. Watson
This set of brain structures helps regulate emotion and memory, some of the structures include: the hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, and the basal Ganglia.
limbic system
the theory developed by Abraham Maslow
Humanistic Theory/Hierarchy of Needs
famous Austrian Classical composer, composed "Eine kleine Nachtmusik"
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
most common test used to evaluate mental health problems; measures personality traits and psychopathology
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
This famous psychologist conducted an unethical experiment testing obedience of authority by utilizing electric shocks and participant deception.
Stanley Milgram
Chemicals that pass nerve impulses across synapses.
person known for developing the theory of cognitive development in children through 4 stages
Jean Piaget
monstrous serpent in Norse mythology that encircles the world
a projective test uses photographs of institutionalized patients to reveal personality traits
Szondi test
known for the Bobo the Doll experiment on aggression in children
Albert Bandura
aphasia characterized by the inability to produce language but intact ability to understand language
Broca's aphasia
the discomfort that people experience when their thoughts and actions are inconsistent with each other
cognitive dissonance
iconic figure in fashion, French designer that founded a renowned luxury brand that has his name
Coco Chanel