Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Vocab 2
when reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of a desired goal
What is shaping
Robert had a serious car accident while Mozart was playing on his stereo. Now, every time Robert hears a Mozart song, he feels frightened and panicked. What is the unconditioned stimulus? A) the car accident B) Robert’s fear and anxiety C) The music D) driving a car
What is A) the car accident
Operant Conditioning Chamber
What is Skinner Box
Ivan Pavlov's experiment
What is studied the digestion of dogs - learned behaviors
an aversive consequence that follows a voluntary behavior, decreasing the probability the behavior will be repeated
What is punishment
the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses
What is generalization
Tara normally feeds her cat canned cat food. She noticed that every time she uses her electric can opener, her cat comes to the kitchen. What is the conditioned stimulus? A) the cat food B) the sound of the electric can opener C) the cat coming to the kitchen D) Tara
What is B) the sound of the electric can opener
anything that Increases a behavior
What is reinforcer
The baby in Watson's experiment
What is Little Albert
the desire to preform a behavior to avoid punishment or to get a reward.
What is extrinsic motivation
Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows
What is reinforcer
When a child hears a loud noise, he cries. The family's dog often barks loudly. Each time the child sees the dog, he cries. What is the conditioned response? A) the dog B) the loud noise C) the crying D) the barking
What is C) the crying
Escape Learning and Avoidance Learning
What is the two types of Negative Reinforcement


Give detailed examples of both Flooding and Systemic Desensitization when used on a person with a fear of heights. 

the desire to preform behavior for its own sake
What is intrinsic motivation
In classical conditioning, the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus
What is discrimination

Jake developed a fear of dogs after being attacked by one. His counselor helped him to overcome this fear by teaching him to relax in the presence of dogs. Eventually, he was no longer afraid of dogs. Which of the following processes occurred? A) extinction B) spontaneous recovery C) discrimination D) counterconditioning

What is A) Extinction

Removal of something pleasant
What is Negative Punishment
Locked cats in a cage to observe their behavior changes
What is Edward Thorndike
a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished followed by a punisher
What is operant conditioning?
the view that psychology should be an objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes
What is behaviorism


In the "Little Albert" Study done by Watson, there were many ethical issues that would make the research impossible to do today.

Name those ethical issues relevant to the Little Albert research study (3 at least by modern standards)

Things we've learned to value
What is Secondary Reinforcer
Best known for their work in Operant Conditioning
What is B.F. Skinner
the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events
What is learned helplessness