"Don't Give ME Attitude!"
"I feel you, man!"
All About ME!
What's in a name?

A phenomenon where individuals do not offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present.

What is the Bystander Effect?


This theory was developed by Daryl Bem, which states that people make inferences about their attitudes by looking at their own behaviors.

What is self perception theory?


The social behavior whose objective is to harm someone physically or verbally.

What is aggression?


Name one of the three factors of attractiveness.

What is "average", "symmetry", or "youth"?

He is considered the founder of social psychology and wrote the textbook, Social Psychology (1924)

Who is Floyd Henry Allport?


The tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts, especially those contradicting the majority opinion. 

What is groupthink?


The tendency to overestimate internal factors and underestimate external factors when explaining the behaviors of others.

What is fundamental attribution error?


This theory states that social relationships involve an exchange of goods, in which costs are minimized and benefits are maximized.

What is social exchange theory?


Which theory states that we compare/evaluate our thoughts, feelings, abilities, and behaviors to other people?

What is social comparison?


He conducted a study on conformity that focused on whether or not a person would change his/her answer to an obvious question if he/she saw his/her peers provide the wrong answer.

Who is Solomon Asch?


This is the tendency for people to work less on a task the greater the number of people are working on that task.

What is social loafing?


This part of the elaboration likelihood model in which an individual engages his/her audience and persuade them to see his/her viewpoint in a logical and rational argument.

What is central route persuasion? 


This is the type of aggression in which the behavior is meant to harm the social standing of another person through gossip. More women/females engage in this type of aggression.

What is relational aggression?


The way we negatively/positively feel about ourselves.

What is self esteem?


This psychologist conducted a study on infants and found that 3-6 month old infants preferred attractive faces.

Who is J.H. Langlois?


This is the tendency for member of a cohesive group to make more extreme decisions due to the lack of opposing views.

What is group polarization?


This theory states that a person tends to explain his/her own behavior and the behavior of others by assigning attributes to these behaviors.

What is attribution theory?


This theory states that people tend to like novel stimuli more if they encounter them repeatedly.

What is the mere exposure effect?


What is the term that we use to describe doing things for others for our own personal gain?

What is egoism?


He is an Australian psychologist who introduced the Attribution Theory.

Who is Fritz Heider?


People usually perform simple or well-learned tasks better in front of others and difficult or unfamiliar tasks worse in front of others illustrates which theory?

What is social facilitation theory?


Bruce asks his parent to borrow the keys to pick something up at the store. Later, he calls home and says that since he is already out, can he keep the car for a few more hours. Which persuasion technique is Bruce using?

What is the foot-in-the-door phenomenon? 


This is an unselfish interest in helping others.

What is altruism?


A teacher who continuously belittles a student and tells them they will not amount to anything and eventually the student will that about themselves. This is an example of what?

What is self-fulfilling prophecy?


The psychologist proposed the social comparison theory but was more known for his work on cognitive dissonance.

Who is Leon Festinger?