Fast Music
Slow Music
Music and Emotions
Syncopated Music
Athletes' Pregame Music

We usually associate this slang word with fast music in sports

What is Hype


This system is returned to normal after exertion with slow music

What is  the cardiovascular system?


Music can reduce how much of this stress hormone is released

What is cortisol?

Parts of the music that are more complex and stress the off beats

What are syncopations


This #16 player listens to Happier by Marshmello to get ready to play with Carlton the bear cheering him on.

 Who is Mitch Marner


The parts of the brain that communicate this sensation are dampened by fast music

What is fatigue?


This feeling, one of fear, dread, and uneasiness, is repressed by slow music

What is anxiety?


A feeling of enthusiasm that gives you new and creative ideas and motivation, which can come from songs like Shakira's Try Everything

What is inspiration?


This type of music often has lots of syncopation

What is funk/hip hop/reggae/rap/EDM


She flips her way to gold medals when listening to Stronger by Kelly Clarkson

Who is Simone Biles?


Fast music BPM

What is >100 BPM


Slow music BPM

What is <100 BPM


A hormone released by music that prevents fatigue and pain while increasing pleasure and motivation

What is dopamine?


This song changes beat three times in the first 30 seconds

What is Started From The Bottom by Drake


This player usually listens to Dreams and Nightmares by Meek Mill pregame, but when his team played in this year's Super Bowl, he didn't because Mill is a Philly and Eagles fan.

Who is Patrick Mahomes


Fast music can cause you to move faster, helping push you past your limits to increase this

What is Physical Endurance?


You may hear this band on the A.M. RADIO, starting a ROLLERCOASTER of emotions, causing you to SLOW IT DOWN, hopefully not making you SLEEP ON THE FLOOR

Who are the Lumineers


This song tells a story through its lyrics

Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too

What is Landslide by Fleetwood Mac


Music tempo that may be calm and boring if there were no syncopations

What is slow music?


You might Ooh Ahh as this warrior shoots beyond the arc

Who is Steph Curry?


This T Swift song has a BPM of 160 and makes people shake, shake, shake

What is Shake it Off by Taylor Swift?


The relaxed state of mind reached when listening to calm music, one where you can perform your best?

What is the optimal psychological state?


The part of the brain responsible for coordination 

What is the motor cortex?


This human tool can also add interest and complexity to songs when you change it up

What is a voice?


Serena Williams listens to this song before matches which is played in the movie Flashdance.

What is Maniac?