Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Patterns of liking–disliking, acceptance–rejection, and inclusion–exclusion among members of a group
What is Attraction Network?
The tendency for people to help less when they know others are present and capable of helping
What is the Bystander Effect?
Repetitively teasing, ridiculing, provoking, or tormenting others through various types of irritating, harassing, or aggressive actions, such as name-calling, threats, insults, and physical injury
What is Bullying?
Coming up with random ideas off of the top of your head to try to solve a problem
What is Brainstorming?
An economic term that means costs that are inevitable and cannot be retrieved back
What is Sunk Cost?
A stable, ordered pattern of individual variations in prestige, status, and authority among group members
What is a Pecking Order?
A change in opinion, judgment, or action to match the opinions, judgments, or actions of other group members or the group’s normative standards
What is Conformity?
An inspirational leader who is widely admired, respected, or loved by his or her followers
What is a Charismatic Leader?
Contributing less to a collective task when one believes that other group members will compensate for this lack of effort
What is Free Riding?
A group member who shields the group from negative or controversial information by gatekeeping and suppressing dissent
What is a Mindguard?
A state of tension, distress, or uncertainty caused by inconsistent or discordant expectations associated with one's role in the group
What is a Role Conflict?
An inferential principle or rule of thumb that people use to reach conclusions when the amount of available information is limited, ambiguous, or contradictory
What is a Heuristic?
Influentiality based on one’s ability to punish or threaten others who do not comply with requests or demands
What is Coercive Power?
Individuals composing into a group
What is Group Composition?
A group's combined memories
What is Collective Memory?
The degree of congruence between the demands of a specific role and the attitudes, values, skills, and other characteristics of the individual who occupies the role
What is Role Fit?
Expressing opinions, making judgments, or acting in ways that are consistent with one’s personal beliefs but inconsistent with the opinions, judgments, or actions of other group members or the group’s norms
What is Independence?
Influentiality that derives from subordinates’ assumption that the powerholder possesses superior skills and abilities
What is Expert Power
Performing a task or other type of goal-oriented activity in the presence of one or more other individuals who are performing a similar type of activity
What is Coaction
The tendency to seek out information that confirms one's inferences rather than disconfirms them
What is Confirmation Bias?
Any position in a group occupied by a member who performs behaviors that promote completion of tasks and activities, such as initiating structure, providing task-related feedback, and setting goals
What is Task Role?
Interpersonal processes that change the thoughts, feelings, or behaviors of another person
What is Social Influence?
The capacity to influence others, even when these others try to resist influence
What is Social Power
A theory of human motivation that answers how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and actions are influenced by psychological or physiological needs
What is the Drive Theory?
The tendency for groups to make riskier decisions than individuals
What is Risky-Shift Phenomenon?