Types of psychology and who
More definitions!!
Roles of each parts

What did Socrates and Plato believe about the nature of knowledge?

They thought that knowledge was Innate and we gain access to it through logical reasoning. 


What is psychology?

Psychology is the science that studies behaviour, as well as mental processes and physiological processes that underline behaviour. 


What are clinical psychologists?

Diagnose and treat people with specific mental of behavioural problems; by conducting interviews, administering psychological tests, and providing advice/therapy to help solve problems.


What is monism?

It suggests that the mind and body may seem very different, but they are in fact one and the same. For example, proposing that the "mind" is simply "what the brain does."


What are dendrites?

Little branches that receive communication signals from other neurons and conduct them towards the soma.


What did Locke believe about the nature of knowledge?

He believed in "Tabula Rasa", the idea that knowledge is not innate, rather it is gained through experience.


What is behaviour?

What are mental processes?

What are physiological processes?

Behaviour: Actions and reactions that we can observe.

Mental processes: Internal activity of the mind that we cannot directly observe?

Physiological processes: The activities of our physical bodies that make behaviour and mental processes possible. 


What are academic psychologist?

Contribute to our knowledge of psychology by conducting research and often teach students as well.


What is behavioural neuroscience?

It uses biology to study the physiological mechanisms that underlie human behaviour, typically at the level of neurone and neurotransmitters. 


What is the soma?

Signals from dendrites collect at the soma, the body of the cell where they are processed.


What was Descartes investigating when he wrote about hollow nerves, animal spirits, and the pineal body?

What are all of them?

He investigated how the mind and body might be connected to allow for communication between them.

Hollow nerves: network of hollow tubes throughout the body.

Animal spirits: spirits that flow through the hollow nerves to deliver message throughout the body. 

Pineal body: the place in the brain where the mind and body connect.


What are the 4 goals of psychology?

1. Describe

2. Explain

3. Predict

4. Control/Change


What are applied psychologists?

Apply psychological ideas to tackle problems in the real world.


What is a neuron?

Neurons are cells of the body that send communication signal to, from and within the brain.


What is the axon?

The wire like projection of the neuron that takes any communicationsignals away from the soma and towards the target of communication. 


Who is Hippocrates?

What idea did he propose?

He was an ancient greek doctor.

He thought that the mental functioning depended on a proper balance of the four "hummers" of the body


What is the mind-body problem.

It's the challenge of understanding what the relationship between the mind and body is, more precisely wether mental phenomena are a subset of physical phenomena or not.


What are the main ideas behind structuralism?

And who founded it?

Identifying the basic elements of the mind (emotions, sensations, etc..) and understanding how the interact to produce our experiences.

Edward Titchener


What do motor neurons do?

They carry information away from the brain to operate muscles.


What is the myelin sheath?

What is the nodes of ranvier?

Myelin sheath; A fatty substance that is wrapped around the axon of some neurons. It insulated the axon and allows communication signal to travel faster.

Nodes of ranvier; Spaces in between sections of myelin sheath. The communications signals traveling down the axon jump for node to node, increasing the speed of communication.


Who is the father of modern psychology?

In what year did he start the first psychology laboratory?

What was he studying in this laboratory?

Willhelm Wundt


Psychology being is own scientific and objective discipline


What is dualism?



It suggests that our minds and bodies are very different from one another and made of two distinct substance.

Body: Functions like a machine and is made of biological matter

Mind: A "soul" or "spirit" that powers the body and is not made of "ordinary" biological matter


What are the main ideas behind functionalism?

Who founded it?

Psychology should investigate the function or purpose of our experiences, not their structure.

William James


What do sensory neurons do?

What do interneurons neurons do?

Sensory: Carry information from sens organs (eyes, skin, etc..) to the brain.

Interneurons: They provide connections between sensory, motor, or other interneurons. 


What are terminal branches?

What are terminal buttons?

Terminal branches; The end portion of the axon. Which branches ou in different directions. 

Terminal button; Bulbs at the very end of the neuron. The terminal buttons are very close to the target, providing a junction for communication to finally occur.