What is Qualitative data?
What is Quantitative data?
Qualitative: Data that is described by words or categories (not numbers)
Quantitative: Data that can be counted or measured (height or age)
Which Nervous system is responsible for fight or flight?
Sympathetic Nervous System
Something that measures electrical impulses from the head
What are the three major regions of the brain?
Hindbrain, Midbrain, Forebrain
Name one area of the brain that is responsible for higher order thinking
Limbic System
Pre-Frontal Cortex
Broca's Area
Wernicke's Area
Gerschwind's Territory
What is a statistic measure that identifies the centre point or typical value of a data set
Central Tendency
What is the role of the Nervous System?
Communication between the body's internal cells and organs
Uses X-rays to create cross sectional images of the brain (shows brain structures)
CT Scan
What is the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for? Bonus: What is the right hemisphere responsible for?
Left: Sensory and motor control for the right side, speech, maths, time and sequencing, recognition of words
Right: Sensory and motor control for the left side, creativity, spatial ability, context/perception, recognition of faces
What is the role of Broca's area?
Responsible for speech coordination
What is an outlier?
Something that is significantly different
What is the 3 parts of the Central Nervous System:
The cerebrum
The cerebellum
The brainstem
Uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a 2D, 3D image of the brain (does not show brain function)
What is the hypothalamus responsible for? (clue: think of a letter)
The four F's:
What is the role of Wernicke's area
Responsible for language reception and interpretations
What P values signifies a significant relationship between two variables? Bonus: What do you do if it is significant?
Reject the null and accept the alternate
What are the two types of the Somatic Nervous System
Sensory and Motor
Provides comprehensive brain profile to determine areas active during mental processes
What is the parietal lobe?
Receiving information on sensation (touch)
Body and spatial awareness
Talk as if you had Broca's Aphasia
Me want apple walk park
What is standard error and standard deviation?
Standard deviation is how far each score sits in relation to the mean
Standard error is how the mean of the sample compares to the population
What are the 6 elements within the Neuron Structure
Dendrites, cell body, axon, myelin sheath, axon terminal, synapse
Uses radioactive tracer to track areas of most blood flow
PET scan
Which lobe is the largest and name one function:
Frontal lobe: Language, Planning, Judgement
Talk as if you had Wernicke's Aphasia
Word salad