Classical + Operant Conditioning Terms

Define: Unconditioned Stimulus + Conditioned Stimulus 

Uncon. Stimulus: causes the response naturally without learning 

Cond. Stimulus: causes the response after being paired with the unconditioned stimulus - same as a neutral stimulus 


The learning of reflexive, biological behaviors - PAVLOV AND WATSON 

The learning of voluntary behaviors based on reward and punishment - SKINNER 

Classical Conditioning 

Operant Conditioning 


Define MEMORY 

Memory gives...

Memory uses...

Brain areas involved in memory...

Reconstructing our pasts + retaining info over time 

Continuity of thought, experience, and personal history 

Top-down processing to actively reconstruct our memories - we fill in the missing pieces + gloss over what we've forgotten (memories aren't carbon copies)

Hippocampus, Prefrontal cortex


Doesn't use top-down processing to link material with prior knowledge (maintenance rehearsal)

Helps us encode; makes use of top-down processing by connecting ideas (elaborative rehearsal)

Shallow-level processing 

Deep-level processing 


Define Cognition + Cognition Misers

Cognition: mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating 

Cognition miser: when solving problems, we seek the most efficient solution. We balance efficiency with accuracy 


Define: Unconditioned Response + Conditioned Response 

Uncond. Response: the biological response to the unconditioned stimulus - WHAT NATURALLY HAPPENS

Cond. Response: the biological response to the conditioned stimulus - LEARNING HAS OCCURRED 


Little Albert (can we condition fear?)

Behaviorists believe phobias are learned through association like any other conditioned response. Every time the white rat came out, a loud gong was played. Now Albert begins to display fear of the rat. Albert showed classical conditioning can create phobia-like behaviors 


Information comes in from the environment through sense organs for further processing. We ___ only important info coming in to avoid clutter.

That info then gets ___ so we can access it later. Retaining info in either short-term or long-term memory - organize it by categorizing schemas.

The process of recalling info from your memory. Involves top-down processing





Explain Long-Term Memory 

For deep-level processing, we must apply info from LTM to new info (top-down processing)

Explicit Memory: recalling info intentionally with conscious awareness (frontal lobe + hippocampus)

Semantic - knowledge about the world's facts - George W was the 1st president (left frontal lobe)

Episodic - memories about our personal life events - what color did you wear to prom (right frontal lobe)

Implicit: info with no conscious effort - not deliberate recall 

Procedural memory - procedural skills, like riding a bike ~ cerebellum + basal ganglia 

Subconscious memory - priming studies show that we remember some info subconsciously without realizing we ever stored it


Cognition Terms 

Algorithm: step-by-step procedures that guarantee a solution - long division without shortcuts

Heuristics: mental shortcuts to get an answer more quickly w/o going through every single step every single time - like using top-down processing for problem-solving

Availability - we estimate how likely an event is based on its "mental availability" - can influence our judgment of risks (safer to fly or drive)

Framing Info - the way info is presented to you influences how you interpret that info - 90% survival is better than 1/10 chance of dying

Belief perseverance - the tendency to cling to a belief when there is evidence to the contrary

Confirmation bias - seeking evidence to confirm your hypothesis and ignore competing evidence - blocks critical thinking + creative solutions to problems 


Every time a murder happens in a movie, minor chords play. Soon you learn to get scared when you hear chords. What is the NS, US, CS, UR, and CR? 

Murder: Unconditioned Stimulus 

Minor Chords: Neutral stimulus + conditioned stimulus

Afraid of the Murder: Unconditioned Response 

Afraid of the chords: Conditioned response 


Reward the behavior EVERY TIME it occurs 

Behaviors that are reinforced only occasionally are slower to extinguish 

Continual Reinforcement 

Partial Reinforcement 


Explain Sensory Memory 

Holds sensory information for a split second

Iconic Memory: visual memory that lasts for under a second. It's a perfect copy of the visual scene - almost like an afterimage because it disappears quickly (the flash and doctor light)

Echoic Memory: auditory memory for whatever sound you just heard. Lasts 3-4 seconds - the "afterimage" or "echo" of a sound


Errors in Memory 

1. Flashbulb Memories: distinct memories of an emotionally significant event - aren't as accurate/specific as we think due to the many times we retell the story 

2. Misinformation Effect: providing people with misleading information after an event can lead to false memories - Loftus + Palmer 


James-Lange Theory 

Arousal first, then Emotion 

Common sense tells us we cry because we are sad but the theory says we feel sad because we cry - bodily sensation comes first 

Emotions result from attention to our bodily activity 


What is a Reinforcer?

Define: Positive + Negative Reinforcement 

Reinforcer - the reward, which strengthens the probability of a response

Positive: Giving a reward to encourage good behavior (going out to dinner after getting an A on a test)

Negative: Taking away an unpleasant stimulus to encourage good behavior (stop taking your child's phone away if they don't do their chores)


What is Observational Learning?

learning by watching/modeling others - models can be parents, teachers, or friends

we learn by watching others' rewards + punishments

behavior can be learned through observation 


Actively processes info from sensory memory by combining it with material from long-term memory (top-down processing)

Short-Term Memory


Memorizing lists of words:

Primacy: tend to remember items from the beginning of a list because you have the most time to rehearse them - Hippocampus 

Recency: tend to remember items at the end of a list because you just heard them - Prefrontal Cortex 

Von Resteroff Effect: we tend to remember an item that sticks out like a sore thumb 

Serial Position Effect - RETRIEVAL 


Emotion and arousal occur simultaneously 

A racing heart can signal many emotions: love, excitement, fear, nerves 

The heart pounds as one experiences fear. Heart pounding doesn't cause the fear, and the fear doesn't cause the heart to pound - occur independently

Cannon-Bard Theory


What is a Punishment?

Define: Positive + Negative Punishment

Punishment - any outcome that weakens the probability of a behavior

Positive: administering an unpleasant stimulus to decrease an unwanted behavior (spanking your child if they don't listen)

Negative: Removing a positive stimulus to stop a bad behavior (taking your child home from a playdate if they don't stop misbehaving)


Bobo Doll Experiment

IV? DV? Experimental Group? Control Group? Confounds? 

Children were in 2 conditions: watching an adult play with Bobo nicely AND watching an adult beat up Bobo

IV: Adult being aggressive with Bobo in front of the kids

DV: children's behavior towards Bobo

Experimental group: kids in condition 2 - watching the adult be violent with Bobo

Control group: kids in condition 1 - watching the adult play nicely with Bobo

Confounds: if the kids were exposed to violent actions before the experiment. Each child could have a different level of aggression


Increasing capacity of STM

Maintenance Rehearsal: repeating info over and over again - like a phone number 

Elaborative: elaborating on a stimulus by linking it to something else - visualizing an OHIIIIIIO! sign or remembering a famous date, pilot episode of The Flash ~ October 7th, 2014

Mnemonic Devices: example of elaborative rehearsal - memory tricks for retaining info in STM - "PEMDAS" or "FOIL" 

Self-Reference Effect: another ex of deep level processing. When you connect material in a personally meaningful way, you encode it into LTM more effectively


Amnesia and George Miller's Magical Number 7 

Type 1: Anterograde - losing the capacity to form new memories 

Type 2: Retrograde - losing information from a portion of your past 

George Miller: 7+/-2  put the words into meaningful chunks to help remember them 


Arousal and Cognitive label = emotion 

The way we appraise (interpret) our experience matters 

Both physical reactions and our thoughts (perceptions, interpretations) create emotion 

Schacter-Singer Two-Factor Theory