Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
This exists on different levels and is defined as "our awareness of ourselves and our environment."
This stage of sleep is also called "paradoxical sleep", since our nervous system is very active, even though our muscles are extremely relaxed.
REM sleep
Dogs conditioned to salivate when stimulated in the thigh also begin to salivate when stimulated in other body parts (that are not the CS). This illustrates ___________.
The reappearance, after a time lapse, of an extinguished CR is called ____ ____.
spontaneous recovery
What sort of learning technique makes use of shaping?
operant conditioning
With the approach of night, our body temperature begins to drop. This illustrates the dynamics of ____ _____ (our biological clock).
circadian rhythm
People are particularly responsive to hypnosis if they: A. strongly expect they can be hypnotized B. are below average in intelligence and education C. are easily distracted and have difficulty focusing attention D. suffer a physical or psychological dependence on alcohol E. were diagnosed with a psychological disorder at one point in their lives
A. strongly expect they can be hypnotized
When a sea slug is squirted with water, it withdraws its gills to protect itself. After repeated squirting, the withdrawal response lessens. What term would learning theorists use to describe this "lessening of response"?
By directly experiencing a thunderstorm, we learn that a flash of lightning signals an impending crash of thunder. This best illustrates what form of learning? (Be as specific as possible.)
classical conditioning
You feel scared when you are approached by a baby lion, but not when you are approached by a large house cat. This illustrates _____.
In one study, both hypnotized and unhypnotized subjects were told to throw acid in a researcher's face. In this experiment, hypnotized people: A. usually refused to engage in antisocial behavior B. behaved in the same fashion as unhypnotized individuals C. were easily influenced to act against their own will, compared to unhypnotized individuals D. experienced much more anxiety than unhypnotized individuals E. often immediately awakened from the hypnotic state
B. behaved in the same fashion as unhypnotized individuals
Hypnagogic sensations of falling or floating are most likely to occur during which sleep stage?
NREM-1 sleep
A child's learned fear at the sight of a hypodermic needle is a _______ ______ (psychological term).
conditioned response
Give an example of a positive punishment.
Answers may vary.
Little Johnny decided to color on the walls with crayons. His mother was very angry, and slapped him on the hand. The next day, while sitting in the living room watching TV, little Johnny looked at his mom, pointed at the wall, and said "No crayon." Then, he slapped his own hand. Little Johnny learned through ___ ___.
operant conditioning
Growth hormone is released during this stage of sleep.
Deep sleep/ slow-wave sleep/NREM-3
This theory argues that hypnotized people are simply behaving like they are hypnotized because this is what is expected of them; they are "acting out" the part of a good subject.
role theory (aka social influence theory)
Give an example of negative reinforcement.
Answers may vary.
This refers to animals' tendency to revert from newly learned habits to their biologically predisposed behaviors.
instinctive drift
Jimmy gives his dog a treat every third time his dog performs a trick. What sort of reinforcement schedule is Jimmy using?
Which of the following is most likely to be prescribed as a tranquilizer? a. amphetamines b. barbiturates c. dissociatives d. hallucinogens e. psychedelics
b. barbiturates
When cocaine is snorted, it pruduces a rush of euphoria by blocking the reuptake of: a. glutamate b. GABA c. melatonin d. dopamine e. growth hormone
d. dopamine
Without explicit training from adults, many 8-year old children know how to turn the ignition key to start their parents' cars. This illustrates what sort of learning?
If rats are allowed to wander through a complicated maze, they will subsequently run the maze very quickly when a food reward is placed at the end. This best illustrates:
latent learning
In Koehler's chimpanzee experiments, chimps had reason out a way to get the banana. What sort of learning does this illustrate?
insight learning