What is the branch of psychology that studies things we learn and are behaviors?
Behavioral Psychology
This part of the brain is located above your ears, it controls your hearing ( auditory information), and encoding memory.
Temporal Lobe
This produces hormones based on gender; estrogen and testosterone an allows for reproduction.
Female ovaries and male testes
This system contains the brain and spinal cord and is also called CNS.
Central nervous system.
the central area where all the neuronal protein synthesis takes place. This contains the genetic material that helps in the ribosomal RNA synthesis process. Another function is to guide the axon hillock that generates the impulses throughout the axon.
This branch studies the Nervous systems, brain and how your body works and how it influences are behavior.
Biological Psychology
This part of your brain is located at the bottom of your brain and connects your brain and the spinal cord. This is responsible for your autonomic functions like, breathing, heart beat/rate, BP, consciousness, and sleep
Brain stem.
Also called the mater gland; This controls metabolism, regulates growth, and reproductions through the hormones it produces.
Pituitary gland
This system works on slowing your boy down for rest and digestion, and conserves energy. This slows your body's heart rate and lowers your BP.
Parasystematic system
This protects the axons and helps speed nerve transmissions. If this is damaged, these nerve signals will travel more slowly or be blocked completely.
myelin sheath
This perceptive emphasizes looking at the whole individual and stresses concepts like free will, self fulfilling, self actualization.
Humanistic Psychology
This is located at the bottom back of your brain between the brain stem and the cerebrum. This controls your speech, balance, and other complex motor functions.
This also regulates growth by produces hormones tat regulate the bodies metabolic rate your growth and development.
thyroid Gland
Also none as the PNS. This sends signals to the CNS, The bdoys organs and muscles, aswell as your senses.
Peripheral system
are the ends of axons which transmit messages to other cells via use of neurotransmitters at synapses.
Axon terminals
One of these is the study of behavior, Though and feelings as view through biological evolution. The other Is the branch on studying how people think, emotions, creativity, and problem solving.
Evolutionary Psychology and Cognitive Psychology.
This is located behind your forehead. This controls your speech, expressive language, voluntary movement,planning, motivations, etc.
Frontal lobe.
The gland produces hormones (steroids, adrenaline, and non-adrenaline) This controls BP, heart rate , etc.
Adrenal gland
This is located in your brain stem and is the key relay station which sends messages to the medulla, brain stem, cerebrum and cerebellum.
receive the data or signals from another neuron. This collects and stores all incoming information from axon terminals.
This branch Talks about the systematic study of psychological forces that underlie human behavior, feelings and emotions. The other branch is the study how individuals or groups influenced by the presence ad behavior of others.
Psycho dynamic and social psychology
This is located on the very top of your head. This is responsible for sensory information, Hot, cold, pressure, and pain.
Parietal Lobe
This is located in the brain. This produces body temp., heart rate, hunger and mood. Helps the body maintain homeostasis.
The top part of your brain stem is kind of like a post office for your senses. It gets signals related to sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
This allow for ions to diffuse in and out of the neuron, propagating the electrical signal down the axon.
Nodes of Ranvier