Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

What is the definition of Psychology? 

The Scientific Study of Behavior and Mental Processes.


Does correlation imply causation?



How do neurons function?

They are directional – electrical pulses travel down in one direction.


What is consciousness?

A state of knowing or being aware of internal
and external experiences


Explain the Biological Perspective and Psychodynamic Perspective.

  • Psychodynamic: examines the unconscious role that internal conflicts on the behaviors & mental processes we have.

  • Biological: Assumes that our behavior and mental processes are based on our biology. (Look at neurons, hormones, physiology, brain chemicals)

What two movements dominated Psychology?

Structuralism and Functionalism


What is the difference between a Non-participant Observer and Participant observer?

Participant is where the observer becomes involved in study. While, Non-participant is where the observer watches the study be conducted. 


What makes up the cerebral cortex? 

The frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital lobes. 


How is Sleep studied in a laboratory setting?

Recording brain waves through EEG, EMG, EOG and EKG.


What are the levels of consciousness in sleep?

High Awareness, Middle Awareness and Low Awareness. 


Who is considered the father of Psychology?

Wilhelm Wundt


Identify scientific and non-scientific methods of research.


Empirical Method, Objective Method, Correlational Research, Experimental Research, Descriptive Research.


Method of Authority, Method of Tenacity, Priori Method, Intuition, Personal experience.


Compare & Contrast Broca's area and Wernicke's area.

Wernicke's area controls the ability to understand the meaning of words, Broca's area, in conjunction with the motor cortex, controls the ability to speak those words. 

Then, both are located in the left hemisphere to facilitate language processing.


What is a circadian Rhythm? And how do we differ?

A rhythm for our sleep/wake cycle. 

Morning People (Larks) have peaks in body
temperature, alertness, and efficiency in the
morning hours
 Evening People (Owls) peak at night


What is some of the medical equipment used to measure brain function?

EEG (Electroencephalogram), CT (Computed Tomography) Scan, MRI (Magnetic Resonance
Imaging), PET Scan (Positron Emission


Explain Structuralism and Functionalism.

Structuralism:  Breaking consciousness into its basic sensation.

Functionalism: Focuses on how an object or phenomenon is used. 


What is correlational research? And what type of Correlation would these following be: -0.80, 0.01, 0.50.

A relationship (association) between two variables. (Makes predictions of future behaviors). 


Label the Neuron Apropriately.

Refer to powerpoint.


What are the stages of Sleep, and can you briefly explain each?

Stage 1: Transition between awake and sleep. 5 Minutes. Theta Waves.

Stage 2: First stage of true sleep. 20 Minutes. And still Theta Waves.

Stage 3: Transition between stages 2 and 4. Heart Rate + Temperature decrease. 20-50% Delta Waves.

Stage 4: Deepest Sleep. Stage 4 then stage 3 then stage 2 and then new stage. 50% Delta Waves.

REM: Rapid Eye Movement. Similar to being awake (Delta Waves). Rapid Brain Activity, blood pressure, respiration, muscles controlling eyes.


After a neuron fires, it becomes
hyperpolarized for a brief period of time,
this state is known as the

Refractory Period


What are the 7 perspectives of psychology and could you briefly explain them?

Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Humanistic, Biological, Evolutionary, Cognitive, and sociocultural.


Distinguish the Independent variable and Dependent variable in this example: 

A study is conducted to determine how varying levels of caffeine intake affect students' test scores. In this case, what is the independent variable, and what is the dependent variable?

Dependent Variable: Student Test scores

Independent Variable: Caffeine Intake

Differentiate between the Brain Lateralization ( The Two hemispheres).
  • Right Hemisphere: Sensory from left of body, controls motor movement of left, emotional + creative impulses, appreciation of art, whole picture analysis ( Facial recognition).  

  • Left Hemisphere: Sensory from right of body, controls motor movement of right, language, logical reasoning, detailed analysis. 


Briefly describe the five sleep disorders.

Narcolepsy, Sleep Apnea, Sleep Terror Disorder (Night Terrors, Sleep Walking, and Insomnia. 


Label and explain each part of a neuron. 

Dendrites—Receive information from other neurons

Cell body (Soma)—Receives information from dendrites

Nucleus—Contains genetic material (DNA)

Axon Hillock—measures stimulation of neuron; if sufficiently excited, neuron fires

Myelin Sheath: Speeds up the firing of the neuron.

Terminal Endings: neurotransmitter is released into synapse.