How many Campfire Socials will be made available for PWC 2023?
There are six campfire socials!
When is PWC 2023?
- Day 1: February 18th (10AM-6PM)
- Day 2: February 19th (10AM-6PM)
How many total workshops will be hosted at PWC 2023?
There will be six workshops hosted for PWC 2023!
What is the purpose of Psychology Winter Camp?
Encourage high school students to pursue higher education and psychology as a potential field of study!
What time is check in for PWC Camp Leaders?
Although the event begins at 10AM, Camp Leaders must check-in with Recruitment Coordinators at 9:30AM (Day 1 & 2)
What are the titles (topics) of PWC 2023's Campfire Socials?
- Virtual Game Loungue 1
- Virtual Game Longue 2
- Campfire Room
- Vibe Room
- Karaoke Room
- Q&A Room
Camp Leader Group Activities must be submitted to recruitment coordinators by...
Sunday, February 12th by 11:59PM.
Campers (attendees) will be able to attend how many workshops during PWC 2023 (Day 1)?
Three workshops (20 minutes each for a total of 60 minutes)
What time is lunch? (Day 1)
Lunch is 11:30AM-12:30PM! (You may leave for the hour to grab anything you need; however, please return 5 minutes before callback time.)
What time is lunch? (Day 2)
Lunch is 12:00PM-1:00PM! (You may leave for the hour to grab anything you need; however, please return 5 minutes before callback time.)
What time of day will Campfire Socials be held? (Day 1 & Day 2)
- Day 1 (4:15PM - 5:45PM)
- Day 2 (4:30PM-5:45PM)
Camp Leaders introduction information must be submitted by...
Monday, February 13th by 11:59PM.
Camp Leader Workshops will require how many slides?
As many as you'd like! (minimum 1)
What is one primary source of contact during PWC?
Message a recruitment coordinator on Discord or via email!
What is PWC 2023 color/theme?
Light/dark blue (please find a shirt or apparel for the event!)
Who is leading the Campfire Socials?
(e.g., Game Leaders, PWC Panelists, Camp Leaders)
- Camp Leaders!
(2 Camp Leaders will be assigned a Campfire Social)
Kahoot activity for Day 2 of Social Networking must be submitted by...
Thursday, February 16th by 11:59PM
I will need to work with [blank] on my Camp Leader Workshop?
My group partner!
How many group activities will you and your group partner be conducting?
Four group activites! (2 on Day 1, and 2 on Day 2)
What are at least two of the guidelines from our code of conduct?
(Refer to list)
Be cool, kind, and civil.
Use an appropriate name and avatar.
Use appropriate text channels for topics you wish to discuss.
Profanity is completely prohibited.
Do not spam.
Do not give out your personal information.
No harassment, abuse, or bullying.
No racist, sexist, anti-LGTBQ+, or otherwise offensive content.
No political or religious topics.
No piracy, sexual, NSFW, or otherwise suspicious content.
How many Campfire Socials will Campers (attendees), be able to attend during PWC?
They will be able to attend all six Campfire Socials. Thus, they may join and leave as the please!
Camp Leader Workshops slide(s) need to be submitted by...
Friday, February 17th by 6:00PM
Camp Leader workshops are how many minutes in length?
20 minutes total (10 presentation, 10 for Q&A)
Who is the Keynote Speaker for Day 1 of PWC?
UCR Professor, Dr. Elizabeth Davis!
Who is the the speaker for PWC's Day 2 Well-being workshop?
Graduate student, Monica Beals!