Depression and mood
anti anxiety
anti psychotics
PRA principles

this street drug stimulant's nickname is "crystal"

what is methamphetamine


this group of commonly prescribed anti-depressants is approved to treat symptoms of depression as well as anxiety

what are SSRIs?


This medication treats the somatic manifestations of anxiety, are non-addictive, and do not cause withdrawal

what are beta blockers?


Haldol and Thorazine are examples of this type of anti-psychotic

what are traditional anti-psychotics?


promoting access to 12-step and other recovery based groups so that clients have access to individuals who are healthy, productive, and connected in their community upholds what PRA principle?

what are hope and respect?


this amphetamine is commonly prescribed to treat ADHD

what is Adderall?


This is the most commonly prescribed treatment for BiPolar disorder

what is Lithium?


Benzodiazepines enhance the effect of this major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain

what is GABA?


antipsychotics are prescribed to treat this symptom associated with schizophrenia which manifests as hallucinations or delusions 

what is psychosis?


This medication is used to treat Opioid overdose

what is Naloxone (Narcan, Evzio)?


stimulants work by increasing the level and effect of which type of hormone?

what are catecholamines?


individuals may be reluctant to take antidepressants because of hearing about these possible two or more side effects

what are weight gain, nausea, sexual dysfunction, headache, nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, GI distress, food and drug interactions


Medically assisted detox from substances is necessary to prevent death. Withdrawl from alcohol and benzos may result in seizures, while withdrawl from this substance may include muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, and high blood pressure

what are Opioids?


anti-psychotics primarily work by blocking postsynaptic receptors and lowering this type of neurotransmitter in the brain

what is dopamine?


addressing co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders as a team with other service providers supports this PRA principle

what is promoting access to integrated services?


this symptom of stimulant overdose involves having thoughts that are contrary to actual evidence 

what are delusions?


antidepressants may also be prescribed to treat this ongoing medical issue that results in physical discomfort

what are Chronic Pain Disorders


These types of medications are used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders and include Ambien and Halcion

what are sedative-hypnotics?


This atypical/novel anti-psychotic is much less associated with severe side effects such as Tardive Dyskinesia

what is Quetiapine (Seroquel)?


sharing facts about the physical effects of medication on the body so that a client can make their own decision about what to take supports what PRA principle?

what is informed choice?


this street drug stimulant is made my combining cocaine powder, water, and baking soda 

what is crack?


the primary mechanism of action in antidepressants is to block reuptake of these two neurotransmitters

what are norepinephrine and/or serotonin?


Seizures, Anxiety, Insomnia, Sweating, Muscle pain and stiffness, Sensory distortions, and Nausea are all possible symptoms of this phenomenon when an individual stops taking significant amounts of Benzos

what is withdrawl?


These movement related symptoms associated with the side effects of traditional anti-psychotics include Dystonia, Parkinsonism, and Akathisia

what are Extrapyramidal Symptoms (EPS)?


inviting discussion about nutrition, sleep habits, relationships, spirituality, and other life areas supports which PRA principle?

what is promoting health and wellness?