Alliant Program Facts
Research Designs
Exploring Neural Structures
Achieving Program Goals
Development Milestones
Alliant is a non-profit, private school. It has been accredited by the APA since 1994. This is the full name of the association of colleges it is associated with, commonly known under the acronym of WASC.
What is the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
An APA research paper usually consists of five general sections that follow the common format of scientific experimental reporting: a review of the research literature, an introduction to the current research, a presentation and analysis of the data results, a discursive evaluation of the current research findings, and this section, which includes a description of the measures used to measure dependent variables.
What is Method?
Damage to this neurological structure can cause ataxia, a condition involving slurred speech, severe tremors, and a loss of balance. It is Latin for "little brain."
What is the cerebellum?
The Program Goal of Relationship is directed at building and maintaining constructive collaboration with clients, colleagues, and members of the community. Which Program Goal is directed at developing an appreciation of the complexity and variation in professional activities. It is a synonym for heterogeneity.
What is diversity?
Newborns have common innate early behavioral responses to external stimuli. In one such response, a baby will quickly move its legs and arms away and back to its body, when it perceives a lack of physical support or a sudden, loud noise. Moro and Startle are the specific names given to this type of innate, automatic behavioral response.
What is a reflex?
A timeline CSPP PsyD program was approved by the Commission of Accreditation. This will eventually involve separation from this sister-site location.
What is Sacramento?
This is used often in program evaluations. It is a graphical depiction of the causal relationships between the resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes of a program.
What is a logic model?
The amygdala is a brain structure found in the limbic system that is responsible for coordinating emotional and motivational activities. It is involved in the recall of emotionally-charged experiences. However, the task of converting short-term to long term (declarative) memories is associated more with this associated limbic structure.
What is the hippocampus?
Students have many ways of showing competency in the Program Goal of Research and Evaluation. One major way of showing that this competency is met is by drafting and defending one of these.
What is a dissertation?
In Bronfenbrenners's Ecological Model, development potential is determined by interaction of the individual and the environment in terms of five contextual systems. One level of interaction is with the broader community, known as the exosystem. This is the term for the system containing factors that cause interactions between components in the microsystem.
What is the mesosystem?
Beginning in the fall semester of 2011, transfer credit required a review by a Program Director of the syllabus for each requested course. As part of the policy, this document, a summary of the course instructor's academic background, was also required.
What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
Research has suggested that the right and left hemispheres of the brain do not function identically, although they contain similar structures. For example, the left brain seems to be primarily responsible for verbal memory and positive emotions, whereas the right side's role is to recognize faces and process negative emotions. This quality of hemispheric specialization is usually referred by a specific term.
What is brain lateralization?
The Alliant PsyD program orients toward a comprehensive practice of psychology by directing its students to be competent in Research and Evaluation, a Program Goal that is measured in various ways, including the dissertation process, practicum evaluations, and course grades to name a few. Student competence in the Goal of Scientific Psychology, on the other hand, is measured primarily by completion of specific courses, followed by this three-word written assessment instrument.
What is a Foundational Science Exam
The chronic use of this teratogen up to the sixth week of prenatal development is associated with damage to brain structures resulting in cognitive impairment. Excessive exposure to this teratogen may cause a medical condition that is characterized by heart and liver defects, learning disabilities, visual and hearing impairments, and characteristic facial abnormalities.
What is alcohol?
On the average, students take 4.1 years to graduate and 97% of students graduate within 5 years. This is the minimum amount of years required to be in residence at Alliant University in the Clinical PsyD program.
What is three?
Time effects are important factors to consider in a study where the same participants are given a measure before and after the IV is introduced. This is a within-subjects research design. This design is also known by a another name designating the fact that it uses measures more than once.
What is a Repeated Measures design?
Each hemisphere of the brain contains four lobes. This specific lobe contains the somatosensory cortex. Electrical stimulation of this lobe will elicit reports of warmth, tingling, and sensations in different parts of the body.
What is the parietal lobe?
Two PsyD Program Goals are primarily focused on measurement of competency skills related to therapy. The Intervention Goal measures the development of skills using multiple methods and outcome evaluations in culturally diverse client populations. The second of these goals, Supervision and Management, prepares a student to provide effective clinical administration of other. This relatively new test incorporates an oral component designed to measure competency in both of these goal areas.
What is the Clinical Proficiency Progress Review?
Kohlberg hypothesized a theory that comprises three stages in the development of principles, the first stage consisting of directing a right course of action based on assessment of consequence. What is the name conventionally given for the capacity to understand and act in accordance with principles of correct behavior?
What is morality?
Data for 2008-2011 indicated students took an average of 9.06 units online. This included an average of 1.11 foundational science courses. This is the total amount of units allowable for online courses.
What is 30?
In a study, researchers wanted to learn the impact of television viewing on grades. Researchers discovered that as the number of hours spent watching television increased, grades decreased. Name the common psychological research method this study will most likely employ.
What is correlational research method?
Located in the hindbrain adjacent to the pons, this brain structure coordinates vital body functions, including blood pressure and breathing. Extensive damage to this structure is more than likely fatal and nothing fool about.
What is the medulla?
The goal of Lifelong Learning is directed at developing an appreciation in students of the need to maintain a flexibility and critical, reflective evaluation on the practice of psychology. The Goal of Ethics and Professional Competency aims at development of a clear understanding of appropriate professional roles. This is the full name for the body on campus, composed of students and faculty, that evaluates complaints that students are not following the ethical guidelines of their profession?
What is the Professional Standards Review Committee?
The Rosenthal effect was demonstrated in a study of randomly assigned groupings of bloomers and non-bloomers. Bloomers at the end of this study were found to have higher IQ scores, apparently due to differences in instructional expectations and engagement. What is the common term for this effect?
What is a self-fulling prophecy?