Remember me?
Behave yourself!
Social butterflies
Trust the process

The process of forgetting caused by previous knowledge interfering with later learned information.

What is proactive inhibition?


When a person's environment is sub-optimal, this is the effect it has on their mind and potentially their offspring.

What is a negative effect on learning and brain development?


Patterns specifying the frequency and timing of reinforcements.

What are Schedules of Reinforcement?


He noticed previous models ignored the phenomena of modeling.

Who is Albert Bandura?


This theory says that when people retrieve information, they access it by following mental paths.

What is schema theory?


This method of studying, popular with many students for doing readings, is one of the least effective tools for remembering material.

What is highlighting and annotating?


The period when the capacity for the ability to reason, reflect, and make connections and meaning of knowledge and experiences.

What is late adolescence-early adulthood?


When a previously neutral becomes a conditional stimulus due to being presented at the same time as an unconditional stimulus.

What is Classical Conditioning?


Learning that involves four phases: attentional, retention, reproduction, and motivational.

What is observational learning?


This information processing model believes that you are more likely to remember something thanks to giving meaning of it.

What is levels-of-processing theory?

The number of pieces of information that working memory can hold at one time.

What is about 5-9 (average of 4) pieces?

The brain network that is used for hypothetical thinking, reading comprehension, "out-of-the-box" thinking, and compassion.

What is the default mode network?


Learning that certain events occur close together. For example, in classical conditioning 2 stimuli occur together and in operant conditioning, a response and its consequence occur together

What is Associative Learning?


The primary focus of social learning

What are the effects of thoughts on actions and of actions on thoughts?


Intrinsic interests, anticipated ease of learning, and amount of background knowledge all contribute to this.

What is the mental energy a student is willing to devote to learning?


The type of memory that contains "know-how" stored in stimulus-response pairings.

What is procedural memory?

This is the amount of activity that happens in an infant brain when they hear a native language vs the amount when they hear a non-native language.

What is the same amount of brain activation?


This is the meaning of "negative reinforcers", though the term is often misinterpreted.

What are escapes from unpleasant situations?


The strategy of learning to monitor and regulate your own behavior through self-talk and self-instruction.

What is cognitive behavior modification?


This stage of memory is where information is held temporarily and manipulated for various cognitive tasks.

What is working memory?

The length of time after instruction information needs to be retained in order to be retained forever.

What is 12-24 weeks?

The largest portion of the brain that carries out the highest mental functions and contains the part that coordinates movement.

What is the cerebral cortex?


This schedule has a steady response rate and a very slow decrease during extinction.

What is a variable interval schedule of reinforcement?


An example of this is when a researcher presses a button and a baby presses the button the next day.

What is deferred imitation?


This entire class where we're learning about learning and gaining knowledge about knowledge is an example of this.

What is metacognition?