most common type of muscular dystrophy. It begins soon after birth. Muscles of the hip and shoulder girdles and the knees are involved, and the child is often confined to a wheelchair by age 12 years
Duchenne's MD
________ is the formation of bone tissue (calcium deposits) in muscle tissue after trauma. It is more commonly seen in the arm or thigh (80% of cases).
Myositis ossificans
Type of fracture: Bone is broken on one side and the other side is bent only (common in children and older adults)
Degeneration of a tendon with no inflammation present
Whiplash Grading using Quebec Task Force classified based on the severity of signs and symptoms. How many Grades are there?
Grade 0 – no neck pain or discomfort. No physical signs of injury.
Grade 1 – Neck pain, stiffness and tenderness. No physical signs of injury.
Grade 2 – Neck issues listed in grade 1 and musculoskeletal manifestations such as loss of ROM
Grade 3 – Symptoms listed in grades 1-2 with neurological signs such as reflex changes and arm weakness
Grade 4 – Neck complaints listed in grades 1-3 combined with fracture or dislocation
Decrease in the muscle cell diameter caused by prolonged inactivity (extended bed rest), trauma (casting), poor nutrition, or motor nerve dysfunction.
muscular atrophy
Chondromalacia patellae
Overstretching or tearing of ligaments without bone displacement.
Lateral epicondylitisis inflammation of the common extensor tendons at their origin on the lateral humeral epicondyle. It is commonly called ____
tennis elbow
What is a major massage consideration treating a client with new whiplash symptoms?
•Avoid affected area for 72 hours after injury; or if acute inflammation is present. Do not remove protective spasm.
What are the 3 main types of headaches?
Patellofemoral syndrome is also called
jumper’s knee, or runner’s knee
an injury caused by an overstretched or torn muscle and/or tendon. Also called a “ pulled muscle”.
Inflammation of tendinous sheath on radial side of wrist
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
What are the 4 rotator cuff muscles
•supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor.
________ such as sparkling flashes of light, dazzling zigzag lines, or a slowly expanding blind spot in the visual field are associated with migraine headaches.
visual aura
For soft tissue injuries what does the acronym M-E-A-T stand for? –
movement, exercise, analgesics, treatment
Affected ligaments or musculotendinous units are torn. Swelling is noted and the muscles surrounding the area splint to restrict movement (protective spasm). Joint instability is moderate, and the area is painful even without movement.
Refers to which degree of sprains or strains?
Grade 2 (2nd degree)
Patellar tendinitis in immature bone at the tibial tuberosity (where quads attach). Usually impacts one knee, but both can be affected.
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Contents in sectioned off areas of muscle and their surrounding fascial sheath does not increase in size, which compresses its contents, results in increased pressure, ischemia, compromised neurovascular function, and subsequent pain. What is this condition?
Compartment Syndrome
Safety considerations for headaches include "SNOOP"
systemic symptoms
O: onset that is sudden
O: older adult
P: previous headache history (worse?)
N: neurologic symptoms (mental confusion, impaired alertness, lack of coordination, visual disturbances)
Contact is only partially lost between two bones it is referred to as this
_____ is the term to describe acute or chronic conditions involving tendons, their synovial sheath, or attachment sites.
Torticollis is a group of disorders involving spasms of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This causes the head to turn and tilt to one side. Trapezius and splenius muscles, also may be involved.
What are the 2 main categories?
What are shin splints also called?
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome