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Memorial Day Potpourri

This Civil Rights activist is best-known for refusing to move to the back of the bus for a white person in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955.

Who is Rosa Parks?


“Liberty, equality, fraternity” was the motto of this major European event which took place several years after the American one. 

What is the French Revolution?


This famous acquisition of territory that the US bought off France in 1803. 

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


This leader's overall goal was to preserve the union.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This flower is worn on Memorial Day, and throughout the year, to memorialize fallen soldiers. 

What is the poppy?


This First Lady advocated for the expansion of women in the workplace and remained politically active even after her husband's death while in office.

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


The first direct tax used by the British government to collect revenues from newspapers, licenses, diplomas and pamphlets sold in the Colonies.

What is the Stamp Act. 


This constitutional amendment prohibited slavery after the Civil War.

What is the 13th amendment?

A type of third party that has split away from one of the major parties; usually formed around a strong personality who does not win the party nomination; may disappear when that leader steps aside. e.g. Bull Moose Party, Progressive Party...

What is a Splinter Party?


Although Memorial Day now honors veterans of all US wars, the holiday originated to honor veterans from this war.

What is the Civil War?


The founder of the American Red Cross and a Civil War nurse.

Who is Clara Barton?


A problem with this document that preceded the Constitution was that it could not levy taxes or regulate commerce.

What is The Articles of Confederation?


This agreement was signed by the US, Canada and Mexico to eliminate all tariffs and other barriers of trade. 

What is NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Association)?


The "US" general and Civil War commander who later became the 18th president of the United States. 

Who is Ulysses S. (US) Grant?


This popular sporting event takes place each year on Memorial Day weekend. Vroom Vroom. 

What is the Indianapolis 500?


This lawyer and civil rights activist became the first African-American Supreme Court Justice. 

Who is Thurgood Marshall?


This famous group that formed throughout the colonies to protest against the British Colonies.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


This famous Supreme Court case ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. (Brown v._________ of ________)

What is Brown v. Board of Eduction?


He was the first son of a President to become a President themselves. Like his father, he served one term. He later returned to the House of Representatives, and was the only President ever to do so.

Who is John Quincy Adams?

Small American flags are placed at the head of each gravestone during this holiday. In what well-known cemetery are these patriotic remembrances placed?

What is Arlington National Cemetary?


With the motto, 'Yes! It can be done!' this labor leader helped unite America's farmworkers.

Who is Cesar Chavez?


The first representative assembly in Virginia, containing mainly the so called “First Families of Virginia”.

What is the House of Burgesses?


This was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $13 billion in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II.

What is the Marshall Plan?


This US President was in office at the end of World War II. 

Who is Harry S Truman?


Memorial Day was known by this title until the Uniform Monday Holiday Act in 1968. Before then it was known as this holiday.

What is Decoration Day?