Pick a spot
No brain, No pain
Sleeping in.........
Sooooooo done!!
Injection area in the outer thigh is called?
What is vastus lateralis
A client with rheumatoid arthritis would be classified as having what type of pain?
What is chronic pain.
___________________  have been shown to have pain-relieving qualities in clients with neuropathic pain.
What is antidepressants.
Grinding your teeth while sleeping is called?
What is bruxism
The nurse is performing passive range-of-motion exercises for a client using circumduction.  In which capacity will the nurse move the joint?
What is forming a circle.
For which client can the nurse administer a subcutaneous injection at a 90-degree angle?
What is obese clients
A treatment for pain in which thin needles were inserted into the skin.  What kind of pain relief treatment is this?
What is acupuncture.
What chemicals are believed to be released in the body during relaxation to relieve pain?
What is endorphins
Uncontrollable desire to sleep is characteristic of this disorder?
What is narcolepsy
A client has COPD and is unable to perform basic self-care activities  or ADLs.  What would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis?
What is "activity intolerance"
A nurse is preparing to draw up two prescribed medications into one syringe.  The medications are contained in vial A and vial B.  Which would be important for the nurse to do first? 
What is check to ensure that the two medications are compatible.
When a client reports back pain of "10" on a "1-10" scale, what is the appropriate nursing action?
What is acknowledge the pain as the client reports it.
The nurse has entered the room of a newly admitted client and observed a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on the client's bedside table.  The nurse would recognize that this client likely has a history of what condition.
What is obstructive sleep apnea.
When the home care nurse notes that a widow of 3 months is not sleeping well, has no appetite, and does not attend activities outside the home, the nurse suspects the client is experiencing?
What is depression.
Decreased blood pressure, urinary and bowel incontinence, loss of reflexes, and Cheyne-Stokes respirations are signs of?
What is signs of impending death.
A nurse accidently sustains a needle stick injury.  Which would the nurse do first?
What is report the injury to a supervisor.
What belief common to older adult clients may cause them to underreport their pain?
What is pain is a normal part of aging.
What is the most common sleep disorder?
What is insomnia
Heart rate and rhythm will be monitored throughout this test:
What is a stress electrocardiogram
A psychological stage of grief according to Kubler-Rosswhich to delay the inevitable is referred to as?
What is bargaining.
A nurse asks a client to rate his pain on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain.  What characteristic of pain is the nurse assessing?
What is intensity.
What type of non-pharmacologic pain relief measure uses electrical stimulation to inhibit transmission of painful impulses?
What is TENS
Which problem is associated with obesity, heavy snoring, and shallow breathing? 
Sleep apnea
While performing range-of-motion exercises on a client, a nurse bends the client's foot so that the toes are brought up, as though to point them at the knee.  What is the term for this type of movement?
What is dorsiflexion.
A terminally ill client reports excruciating back pain.  What intervention should the nurse adopt to control pain in the client?
What is administer narcotics.