Social Changes
Emotional Changes
Physical Changes
Coping strategies
Health Tips

What are some social changes that boys go through during puberty?

A shift in friend groups, more independent on themselves instead of on their family.


What are some emotional changes girls go through during puberty?

They get mood swings and generally feel over sensitive about themselves.


What are some physical changes girls go through during puberty?

Growth spurt, breast development and menstruation cycle


What can help with a girl’s period?

Having spare underwear in your bag, have pads or tampons and have a heat pack on your stomach to help with cramps.


What can you do to manage acne during puberty?

Don’t pop pimples, don’t over wash your face and use oil free products on your face.


what do adolescence want independently during puberty?

Independence on where they go, how they get around and who they hang around with.


What are some emotional changes boys go through during puberty?

Mood Swings, Changing Relationships, Attraction Toward Others and Consent and Respectful Behaviour Around Girls and Others.


What are some physical changes boys go through during puberty?

Growth spurt, body odour and body hair


What can help with pimples?

Reduce stress, stop touching your face as often and pimple patches.


What can you do to manage a period?

Wear lightweight clothes, change menstrual products regularly.


What do adolescence go through with their sexual identity?

They may start having romantic relationships.


Why do adolescences get pimples?

The skin oils glands will produce excessive amounts of sebum.


What can help with body odour?                    

Showering and bathing every day and wearing deodorant


What can help with body odour?

Shower regularly, change your diet and wearing breathable clothing.


What can you do to manage body odour?

Changing your dies, shower regularly and manage stress.


What is peer pressure?

Being forced into something they don’t want to do by 1 or more people in a group.


What are some mood swings adolescences have during puberty

Not everyone will go through the same moods swings but the common ones are happiness, sadness, anger and anxious.


What helps with girls’ menstruation cycle?

Talking to female adults, having a period kit or having spare underwear in your bag and having a pad or tampon.


What can help with mood swings?

Getting outside, regular exercise and practice deep breathing.


What can you do to manage mood swings?

Spend time in nature, eat foods to regulate your mood and try light therapy.