What is the effect of puberty?
The increase of hormones throughout your body that changes it.
What social struggles may I encounter?
You could have fights with your friends over something basic or you may loose your friend.
Do you get really emotional?
Yes you do get emotional due to the affect of your hormones.
What are some identity changes we can go through?
Some of them are: music, taste, clothing, hair colour, and aesthetics.
Do I need to communicate with the people around me?
Yes, communication is an essential. Keep your interactions positive :]
What do I do about my pimples?
You can use a face wash, pimple patches, or let them go away on their own. DO NOT POP THEM!!
How can you control your mood and anger when around your friend?
You can go to anger therapy or regain control of yourself when your upset, such as breathing exercises or the use of a stress ball.
Can stress eating help?
No, but some types of stress relief is good for your mental state.
Who could I talk to?
You can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with or someone you connect with, whether that it friends, family or a therapist.
Does your environment have an effect on your adolescence?
Yes. Consider the differences in a family home and shares a meal talking happily compared to a house where everyone yells and no one looks after each other. Your inner soul would be more at peace in the first scenario.
Can I talk to someone about it?
You can talk to whoever you trust such as: friends, family members, doctor, and even pets…or probably not pets but still.
Can you go into social isolation
Yes you can but it’s not a good thing. People can get worried and you’re mental state may struggle.
Can having a stress ball help with stress?
yes stress balls and fidgets can be a distraction from stress and be a better coping mechanism.
What is something you could do to help find yourself again?
You could take some time to yourself to find your passion.
What are some heathy habits?
good nutrition, sleep routine, hygiene routine, activity management, drinking enough water, mindfulness.
How do you deal with periods?
You can ask your mother, sister or anyone you trust on what to do about it.
Is scroll on social media good for mental health?
It may be a coping mechanism, scrolling helps us to zone out or escape reality. Though, comparing your-self to others may cause low self-esteem heightened anxiety or depression.
What can you do about growth spurts and growing pain?
Growth spurts can cause growing pain and it can be solved by heat packs, special creams and some doctor prescriptions.