At what age does puberty usually begin for girls?
What is 8-13 years old?
What causes body odor?
What are sweat and bacteria?
What is the average length of a menstrual cycle?
What is 28 days?
Name one thing you should do every day to smell fresh.
What is take a bath or shower?
True or False: You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.
This hormone is responsible for many changes in a girl’s body during puberty.
What is estrogen?
Name two ways to prevent body odor.
What are bathing daily and using deodorant?
Why do some girls get pimples during puberty?
What is oil and dirt clogging their pores?
True or False: You only need to change your underwear once a week.
False! You should change your underwear every day.
Name two types of menstrual products.
What are pads, tampons, and menstrual cups?
True or False: Drinking water helps keep your skin clear.
True! Water washes out bad stuff from your body.
True or False: Popping pimples helps them heal faster.
False! Popping pimples can cause scarring and infection.
True or False: Everyone experiences puberty at the same age.
False! Everyone develops at their own pace.
Name three major body changes that happen during puberty.
What are breast development, hair growth, and starting menstruation?
Name one sign that your period might start soon.
What is cramping, bloating, or mood changes?
Name two areas where new hair growth happens during puberty.
What are underarms and the pubic area?
True or False: You cannot exercise or swim on your period.
False! You can stay active and swim with the right products.