Mood Swings Can Be Found In...
Both boys and girls
Relationship Changes In...
Peers, Family and Community
Examples of physical changes in girls
Breast development, height increase, periods
Intense emotions of love happen in both, TRUE or FALSE?
How Long Does Puberty Last?
10 years for girls and 12 years for boys.
Both genders can experience high levels of? (Relating to emotions)
tearfulness, anger, overwhelming happiness or confusion
What happens when a peer tells you to do something? You get...
Influenced by that peer
Increased level of hormones can cause (in boys)
Acne, Deeper Voice
What does body image mean?
Its how you feel about how you look, It also included how you think others see you
Why is puberty interesting?
Puberty is a time of rapid brain development and identity formation, with many emotional changes for both boys and girls
Emotional changes regarding peers and yourself
Peer pressure, feeling uncertain, looking for an identity, conflicting thoughts
What does Appearance Ideal Mean?
What our culture tells us is the “ideal” way to look
What are some embarrassing examples of puberty?
Give your own examples.
Pubic hair, genital changes in men
What does positive body image mean?
Being moody is very...
Normal! We can't control it, and it is a part of how we slowly mature and grow up, figuring out tough situations and solving them.