Never Events

What are the three types of healthcare crises?

1. Internal

2. External

3. Never Events


What are 3 of the 10 preventative measures that a company, organization, or institution must take or have in place in order to ideally avert a crisis, swiftly close a crisis, or confront the crisis as a challenge and generate a good opportunity?

1. Anticipate and have a plan

2. Respond immediately

3. Do not overtalk

4. Always tell the truth

5. Accept responsibility      

6. Select the right spokesperson

7. Stop rumors and correct misinformation

8. Show compassion and remorse

9. Build your reputation before a crisis

10. Listen


What is the concurrent phase of an event?

A situation is currently happening and being responded to.


What should be avoided as it does little to help and can distract from improving plans and recovery efforts?

Assigning fault or blame


What are common reasons why never events happen?

1. Pressure when making decisions causes decisions to be made without fully processing all relevant information.

2. Interruptions distract staff causing unintentional mistakes.

3. Design of tools.

4. Unclear instructions and labeling causing confusion and incorrect usage. 


What are the three aspects of the pre-crisis management relation model?

1. Early warning scanning

2. Issue and risk management

3. Emergency response 


How can you deal with staff personal and family needs during an event?

Allow staff to leave on a rotation so they can tend to their family and be better focused on their work.


What 4 unknowns should be determined before calling for CASPER, RHA, or RNA?

1. Impact

2. Health status

3. Disproportionate effect

4. Recovery efforts