Conducting a parenting class for a group of pregnant teenagers
What is tertiary level of prevention?
Nurse who practices his/her profession in an asthma clinic.
What is community-based nursing?
Unaware of a need to change.
What is precontemplation?
A nurse who promotes health and wellness in a faith-based setting.
What is a faith community nurse?
Using data to understand why some people exposed to a disease stay well but others don't.
What is analytic epidemiology?
Population exposed to pesticides and extreme environments.
Who are migrant workers?
Screening for TB in HIV patients at the local clinic.
What is secondary level of prevention?
A nurse who practices his/her profession by determining how to prevent communicable disease for the population in a city.
What is public health nursing?
Actually implementing the plan.
What is action?
A nurse who monitors and manages the health status of pediatric population in academic settings.
What is a school nurse?
The number of people who have a certain condition over the total number of people on a population.
What is prevalance?
Population who may suffer from infections from poor skin integrity and hypothermia.
Who are the homeless?
Teaching a group of people diagnosed with PAD about proper foot care.
What is tertiary level of prevention?
Conducts an assessment on an assigned area and reports the findings to the public
What is assessment?
When the effort to change becomes an unconscious habit.
What is termination?
A nurse who monitors the health status of individuals and assists them in connecting with needed resources for positive outcomes.
Who is a case manager?
Agent, host, environment
What are the components of the epidemiological triangle?
Population who may suffer from heart attack or contract HIV.
Who are illicit drug users?
School nurse reports to CPS the suspected abuse of one of the school children
What is secondary level of prevention?
People and the relationships that emerge among them as they develop and use in common some agencies and institutions and a physical environment
What is community?
During a nutritional counseling session, an adolescent says to a nurse, "I am not following my diet properly, but I know I should do it."
What is contemplation?
Helps patients and their families achieve improved health and independence in their home environment.
What is home health nursing?
Determines the number of people who develop the disease over the number of people exposed to the disease in foodbourne illnesses.
What is attack rate?
Population who may suffer from poverty, homelessness or substance abuse.
Who are the mentally ill?
Administering flu shots to members of a diabetic support group
What is primary level of prevention?
Adding more vaccination hubs along public transportation stops during an outbreak
What is assurance?
Where the person prepares to make a healthy habit change.
What is preparation?
A nurse that oversees the health and safety of a population in the workplace.
What is an occupational health nurse?
Number of new cases over a period of time over number of people at risk for developing the disease
What is incidence?
Population whose resilience can be increased by ensuring completion of their education.
Who are pregnant teenagers?
Teaching a group of people with hypertension about reading labels on food.
What is tertiary prevention?
Conducting a health fair at a recreational facility for the local community
What is community-oriented nursing?
Has been follow a plan for the last 4 months to quit smoking but occasionally slips and smokes a cigarette
What is maintenance phase?
Calls CPS on a suspected child abuse case at an elementary school
Who is the school nurse?
In the epidemiological triangle, the pathogen COVID-19
What is agent?
Would make an escape plan if the violence escalates at home
Who are victims of abuse?
Decontamination, containment, and cleanup after a chemical spill.
What is secondary prevention?
Provided to clients with less than 6 months to live
What is hospice care
Engaging youth in a sport or enrolling them in a summer camp.
What is prevention for substance abuse among youth and teen pregnancies?
The agency that help change laws
What is the legislative branch?
After a client was diagnosed with ebola, CDC requests local hospitals to quarantine and report any client showing signs of ebola.
What is active surveillance?
As a nurse, I can break confidentiality to report.
What is mandatory reporting for child abuse or elder abuse or communicable diseases?
The home nurse changing a dressing on the wound.
Tertiary prevention
Focuses on optimizing quality of life for clients with life-limiting illnesses.
What is palliative care?
Increase in temperature globally, leading to extreme weather, droughts, famine, diseases, and poor health.
What is climate change?
The agency that interprets the law.
What is the judiciary?
What, when, who of epidemiology
What is descriptive epidemiology?
The main cause of vulnerability among populations
What is poverty?
A faith nurse is visiting a homebound client.
Secondary prevention
All susceptible workers in a workplace as part of the epidemiological triangle
What is the host?
ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities, including healthcare, to address health disparities and promote well-being for all, regardless of background.
What is social justice
Action statement or proposed law to help improve population health.
What is health policy?
Why and How of epidemiology
What is analytical epidimeology?
A priority concern for immigrant farm workers.
What is crowded housing
A school nurse assesses a child with chronic illness
Tertiary prevention
faithfulness and adherence to promises, commitments, and the core principles of a program or intervention, ensuring it is delivered as intended
What is fidelity?
the fair and appropriate distribution of benefits, risks and costs within a society
What is distributive justice
Distributing health resources based on the needs of a community.
What is Equity?
An outbreak of a disease with red rash and koplik spots
What is measles?
The challenge for this population is they move a lot and do not stay in one place for long.
What are immigrant farm workers?