History of PH
Comm. Disease
Adult & Elderly

This region was said to have given birth to public health practice

What is the Yellow River region in China?


Arthropod insects and rodents are examples of this form of indirect disease transmission.What 

What is vector borne transmission?


This causation criterion states that there must be a plausible bodily mechanism available to explain the findings of the study or, simply put, how the environmental exposure results in the corresponding health outcome/disease.

What is biological credibility?


Comes in an embolic or hemorrhagic form and results in an interrupted, inadequate supply of blood and oxygen to the brain.

What is a stroke?


This is a term that references care of the elderly.

What is geriatrics?


This sanitary reformer from Massachusetts created a list of recommendations for public health services, which became a template for many state and local public health systems in the United States.

Who is Lemuel Shattuck?


A widely and rapidly spreading acute infectious disease, otherwise defined as 'around people.'

What is an epidemic?


This epidemiological source of error dictates that a small sample size can limit statistical significance in one's study, since fewer participants can mean larger inferences. 

What is chance?


A deficiency in the action of insulin, which may lead to symptoms like weight loss, behavior changes, vision impediments and a loss of limbs.

What is diabetes?


This type of prevention includes screenings and clinics for the early detection of chronic diseases like cancers, diabetes or cardiovascular conditions.

What is secondary prevention?


He wrote 'Airs, Waters & Places,' perhaps the first articulation in writing of the relationship between the environment and disease.

Who is Hippocrates?


An infection or infectious disease transmissible under natural conditions from vertebrate animals to man or woman.

What is a zoonosis?


This error may occur in a study when the inclusion of subjects depends in some way on the exposure of interest, which may result in more of those who agree to participate being different in ways related to the exposure or health outcome.

What is selection bias?


This is the most common type of cancer incidence for men, designated by body site.

What is prostate cancer? 


Reasons for this elderly transition period could include poor health, personal choice, compulsory actions or misconceptions about one's abilities.

What is retirement?


Among the conditions determined to be unacceptable to public health, this was the Hebrews' greatest contribution to the control of communicable disease.

What is the segregation of lepers?


This disease, which is nearly always fatal, typically incubates for several weeks, creates symptoms of headache, fever, hydrophobia and delirium, and can easily be prevented with inoculation and common sense. 

What is rabies?


This error in an epidemiological study could become an issue if the individual asking questions elicits information differentially between study subjects, which may occur if the questioner knows the study's hypothesis.

What is interviewer bias?


Describing the trend in leading causes of death in the U.S. over the last century, one may state that in the early 1900s it was communicable disease, but today it is this.

What are chronic illnesses and non-communicable events? 


This is a study of the natural aging process, with a focus on the effects that one may experience in their elderly years.

What is gerontology?


A phase of the Modern Era of Public Health, with the notable creation of important federal legislation, emphasizing equitable access to public health services. 

What is social engineering?


This is the sequence of events from the time of a person's exposure until their recovery, disability or death from an infection.

What is the spectrum of disease?


In a standard 2x2 table in an epidemiological study, four quadrants are used to separate results based on the status of study participants. This group is represented by those participants appearing in box A.

What is the group with positive disese and exposure status?


This disease is said to impact over 100 million Americans, and risk factors include obesity, family history and aging (particulary 40 and older).

What is hypertension?


This categorical determinant of health includes factors like age, measures of diversity and gender.

What is genetic predisposition?