Evidenced-based Nursing
Integration of best evidence available, clinical expertise, & patient preferences
Electronic health records
Digital computerized version of patient's paper medical record
Mary Breckinridge
Founded the Frontier Nursing Service which provided healthcare to children in remote regions of Kentucy.
Unique capabilities required for public health nursing
Public Health
What society does collectively to ensure conditions exist so people can be healthy
Clara Barton
Founded the American Red Cross
Population group with common charateristics
Health disparities
Differences in healthcare and health outcomes experienced by one population compared to another
Dorothea Dix
Political activist for conditions in prisons and mental hospitals
District Nurses
PHN in England providing visiting nursing services, historically in the poorest parish districts.
Social determinants of health
Social conditions in which people live and work
Lillian Wald
Founder of Public Health Nursing
Study of distribution and determinants of states of health and illness in humans and research methodology to study states of health.
Use of electronic information and tele-communications to support long-distance clinical healthcare
Lemuel Shattuck
Shattuck report - 1st attempt to write a comprehensive public health code.