Legislative process/ rulemaking
Policy design and implementation
Policy evaluation
Quantity and quality of healthcare
Other topics (racism, age-friendly, social determinants)

This is a process invoked in the Senate to delay a vote by keeping a debate from ending. It can be stopped with 60 votes.

What is a filibuster?


This type of implementation goes from policy makers to implementers.

What is top-down implementation?


This type of research design has an intervention and a control group and randomizes subjects into groups.

What is an experiment?


This word describes a group of providers and hospitals that coordinate together to provide high-quality care. They are motivated to provide quality of care through monetary sanctions and incentives.

What is an Accountable Care Organization?


This type of worker helps older people with services such as bathing, dressing, and eating. There is a severe shortage of these workers in the United States.

What is a direct care worker?


This committee in the House establishes the guidelines for debate and whether amendments will be allowed. 

What is the Committee on Rules?


This section of a logic model represents the initial resources dedicated to a progam/policy?

What are inputs?


This type of analysis uses non-numerical data to provide in-depth information of an issue.

What is qualitative research?


This type of law aims to outlaw anticompetitive tactics (e.g., mergers, price-fixing).

What is an antitrust law?

This word describes how structures (laws, policies, institutional practices, and entrenched norms) expose people of color to health harming conditions and limit opportunities

What is structural racism?


This is the publication outlet that publishes executive orders and rules.

What is the Federal Register?


This section of a logic model represents the higher-level, long-term goal of a policy/project.

 What is an impact?


This type of research design has an intervention and a control group but does not randomize subjects into groups.

What is a quasi-experiment?


 This term represents when payments from insurance companies are paid on a per episode, per procedure, or per diagnosis basis.

 What is bundling?


This type of care includes pain relief, spiritual care, and caregiver support. It is provided to individuals who are in the final stages of a terminal illness.

What is hospice care?


This is a process where committees go back to change existing laws as to conform with budget instructions. It is a way to speed up the legislative process in the Senate. 

What is Reconciliation?


This theory of decision-making views formulating policy as a rational, decision-based process.

What is the rational comprehensive model?


This type of budgetary analysis considers how much it costs to gain a one-unit improvement in health outcome (e.g., health-related quality of life, pelvic inflammatory disease cases averted)

What is cost-effectiveness analysis?


This Medicare program deducts up to 3% from base operating payments for hospitals with excessive preventable readmissions for select conditions.

 What is the Hospital Admissions Reduction program?


In the WHO model of social determinants of health, this term describes a type of social determinant that come between structural determinants of health and health. Examples include stress and exercise.

 What are intermediate determinants of health?


This is a process in the House in which normal rules are waived. This process usually applies to bills that are noncontroversial.

What is suspension of the rules?


This theory of decision-making views policy formulation as a series of gradual changes made to existing policy.

What is incrementalism? 


This budgetary analysis compares the costs to the benefits of a policy. It is measured in monetary units only.

What is a cost-benefit analysis?


This word describes a Medicare program that rewards and penalizes hospitals based on metrics such as infections, mortality, patient safety, and patient experience?

What is hospital value-based purchasing?


In the WHO social determinant of health model, this type of social determinant of health causes stratification in society. Examples include income, education, occupation, and race. 

What are structural determinants?