Branding & Promo
What to Post

This feature allows you to post photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours.

What are Instagram Stories?


This Canva feature allows users to choose from pre-made designs to quickly create social media graphics, presentations, and more.

What are templates?


This year marks the founding of the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).

What is 1945?


What are the primary colors of FCCLA?

What are FCCLA red, black, and white.


This type of post showcases achievements from FCCLA members and chapters, often including photos or videos from events or award ceremonies.

What are success stories or member spotlights?


This tool on Instagram lets you create and share short, engaging videos up to 90 seconds long.

What are Instagram Reels?


Canva’s library includes these visual elements, such as icons, shapes, and photos, that users can drag and drop into their designs.

What are elements?


FCCLA's official flower, symbolizing the organization’s desire for beauty in everyday living, is this bloom.

What is the red rose?


Can you alter the height and width of the FCCLA logo in any way?

What is no?


Posting updates about upcoming FCCLA events or deadlines helps keep members and followers informed. This type of post is often referred to as a ______.

What is an announcement?


You can use this feature to organize your content and make it easier for your followers to find your posts on specific topics or themes.

What are hashtags?


This Canva tool helps maintain brand consistency by allowing users to save their brand’s colors, fonts, and logos in one place.

What is the Brand Kit?


This FCCLA event provides students with opportunities to showcase their skills and earn recognition in various career and leadership development areas.

What is the National Leadership Conference?


What is the clear space rule for the FCCLA logo?

What is 1/2 of the letter F?


This type of post features tips, resources, or educational content related to FCCLA’s core areas, such as leadership or career development.

What are educational or informational posts?


This free Instagram feature provides insights on follower demographics, post performance, and the best times to post.

What is Instagram Insights?


Canva offers this feature that allows multiple team members to work on the same design simultaneously in real-time.

What is collaboration mode or real-time collaboration?


This is the FCCLA program that focuses on promoting safe driving habits among youth and aims to reduce the number of traffic injuries and fatalities.

What is FACTS?


Can you make FCCLA t-shirts in any manor?

What is no?


Sharing highlights from FCCLA’s national or regional conferences, including key moments or takeaways, falls under this category of posts.

What are event recaps or conference highlights?


This Instagram feature allows businesses to tag products directly in their posts and stories, making it easy for followers to shop.

What is Instagram Shopping?


This Canva feature allows users to remove the background from an image with a single click, making it easy to create professional-looking designs.

What is the Background Remover?


This FCCLA program, which stands for Students Taking Action with Recognition, allows members to compete in events that help develop real-world skills for life.

What is STAR Events?


What is FCCLA's primary typeface?

What is Museo Sans?


This type of post engages the audience by encouraging them to participate in challenges or surveys, promoting interaction and feedback.

What are interactive posts or engagement posts?