What the Grant?
Name that Position!
Local Government Funding
WBCP Processes
Certs and Berts

This popular grant is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

Hint: Provides annual grants to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment. 

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)


The ........... oversees the maintenance and development of infrastructure, including roads, bridges, water supply, and sewage systems. They manage  projects, supervise staff, develop budgets, and ensure compliance with safety and environmental regulations. This role involves coordinating with other government agencies and responding to public inquiries and concerns.

Public Works Director


This funding stream, while quite popular, is provided by federal and state governments for specific projects or general assistance. 

Hint: Administrators go on rants about these. 

Federal and State Grants 


What is the name for our initial meeting with a client to get a recruitment underway?

Kickoff Meeting 


A ....... certification demonstrates proficiency in project management principles, processes, and best practices. It is valuable for professionals involved in planning, executing, and managing projects within government agencies.

Project Management Professional (PMP)


Administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), this grant provides funds to fire departments and emergency medical service organizations to increase their ability to protect the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards. 

Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG)


The ........... is responsible for fire prevention, investigation, and education within a community. They enforce fire codes, conduct inspections, investigate fire incidents, and develop fire safety programs. The.............. works to reduce fire hazards and enhance public safety through education and regulation.

Fire Marshall


This funding is levied on individual and corporate income; less common at the local level but used by some municipalities in some states. 

Income Tax


On a typically recruitment, what will be the responsibilities of the Project Manager following the shortlist meeting. 

Connect with the recruiter on the Yes/No list. Conduct or Assign No calls. 

Develop a yes call script, and make the yes calls to schedule the candidates. 


The ..........certification signifies expertise in hazard identification, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, and safety program development and implementation. Individuals with .......... certification often work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and government, where they are responsible for ensuring workplace safety and preventing accidents and injuries.

Certified Safety Professional (CSP)


Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), this grant supports the development and growth of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas. 

Rural Business Development Grants (RBDG)


The ........... is responsible for maintaining municipal records, preparing agendas and minutes for city council meetings, and ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. They manage public records, oversee elections, and provide administrative support to the city council and other municipal departments.

City Clerk 


Fees imposed on new development to fund infrastructure and services needed due to growth, such as roads, schools, and parks.

Impact Fees


What are the four main documents typically requested prior to our kickoff meeting with a new client? 

Job Description (including Minimum Qualifications)

Salary and benefits information

Organization logo and pictures you would like included in the brochure

Organizational structure/chart


This certification, offered by the EC-Council, validates skills in identifying and mitigating cybersecurity vulnerabilities through ethical hacking techniques. It covers topics such as penetration testing, network security, cryptography, and ethical hacking methodologies. This certification demonstrates proficiency in understanding and counteracting cyber threats.

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)


Administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), this grant provides funding for a variety of alternative transportation projects that improve the quality of life in communities. 

Uses: Bicycle and pedestrian facilities, safe routes to school projects, recreational trails.

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)


The .....................manages the dissemination of information to the public and the media. They develop communication strategies, prepare press releases, handle media inquiries, and ensure that information about government activities and services is accessible and transparent. PIOs often serve as the spokesperson during emergencies and public events.

Public Information Officer


Long-term borrowing instruments issued by local governments to finance large capital projects such as schools, roads, and public buildings. 

Hint: There's ALWAYS one on local ballot measures. 



At what point in the recruitment process would the recruiter schedule a meeting with the client to inform them of our sourcing problems?

Typically 2 weeks into the open. 


Offered by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), a ............ certification is for planners involved in transportation planning, policy, and project development. It covers topics such as land use integration, environmental impact analysis, and transportation finance.

Certified Transportation Planner (CTP)


Administered by the Department of Water Resource, this grant helps develop the expansion of water recycling and reuse facilities, including treatment plants and distribution systems.

DWR Grant


........... engineers focus on the flow and conveyance of water through channels, pipes, and other systems. They design flood control systems, irrigation networks, and water distribution systems. They also work on projects to manage stormwater and prevent erosion.

Hydraulic Engineer


The ............ of 2021 includes a significant funding stream known as the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF), which provides substantial financial assistance to state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hint: US, Save me, Strategize, Preform  

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)


What software to some clients use during the background and reference part of the recruitment? 

Hint: We recommenced the client sending this out, as the organization will have a specific code that no other organization possesses. 

Live Scan


Offered by various organizations, these certifications demonstrate expertise in process improvement methodologies. Green Belt and Black Belt certifications are the most common levels and are valuable for professionals seeking to enhance organizational efficiency and quality.

Six Sigma Certifications