Audience Demographics
Non-Verbal Cues
Develop Speech
Crafting Speech
What is a factor in an audience that can suggest topics as well as examples, humor and illustrations?
To determine if the audience is listening and to see if you are maintaining interest you might check the level of this.
What is eye contact?
A one sentence summary of the speech.
What is the central idea?
To organize speech in time order, you would use what organizational pattern.
What is chronological order?
If the audience seems bored, you can do this.
What is tell a story, use a an example that the audience can relate to, or remind them why it should be interesting or eliminate facts?
The perception of one's self as feminine or masculine.
What is Gender?
To check for attentive audience members, look for frozen expressions, a tilted head, a smile, or this.
What are facial expressions.
Evaluating a website means that you look at this.
What are accountability, credibility, timeliness or recency, usability, and/or diversity?
To organize the speech by first showing the situation and then discussed the effects is this.
What is cause and effect organization?
If your audience is confused, you should
What is repeat yourself, rephrasing information, use visual aids, slow down, ask for feedback or ask someone to summarize what you have been talking about?
A learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values and norms.
What is Culture?
Squirming, feet shuffling or this mean that the audience has lost interest in your speech.
What is movement?
To conduct an interview as a source for a speech, you should have prepared in advance this.
What are questions, know background information, a recording strategy, note taking supplies and/or remind interviwee of purpose?
Supporting material for you speech can have soft and hard evidence. This type rests on illustrations, descriptions, inferences, analogies, or opinions.
What is soft evidence?
If the audience seems to disagree with you, you should
What is give more data or evidence, remind the audience of your credibility, give more facts than stories, or provide an email to give more info?
A portion of a person's cultural background that relates to national or religious heritage.
What is Ethnicity?
An audience response of showing hands when asked to do so, applause or raising fingers is this.
What is nonverbal responsiveness?
The format for resources for your speech.
What is APA?
Words or gestures that allow you to move freely from one big idea to the next.
What are signposts?
A part of the segment of the audience that you most want to influence or address.
What is the target audience?
A person's perceived importance and influence based on factors such as income, occupation and education level.
What is socioeconomic status?
Audience members shouting out a response is this.
What is verbal responsiveness?
A story or anecdote that provides examples or ideas to support your central idea.
What is illustration?
A statement that tells the audience what is to come?
What are previews (initial previews, internal previews, or transitions)?
Name two effective ways to begin an introduction.
What is illustrations, anecdotes, startling statistics, quotations, humor, refer to historical events, refer to recent events, personal references, refer to occasion, refer to previous speeches, or ask a question?