Speaking to Inform
Ethics & Listening
Intros, Bodies, & Conclusions
Organizing & Outlining
The Junk Drawer

There are 4 types of speaking styles covered in this class.  One example of this style is a memorized speech. What style of speaking do we do in this class?

What is Extemporaneous speaking?


This person is responsible for their conduct because they are in a position of power.

What is the speaker?


These key ideas in your speech are always written in complete sentences and are the most important thing you want the audience to know.

What are the Main Points?


In this pattern of organization, main points follow a directional pattern, demonstrating the relationship of one object to another.

What is Spatial Organization?

This is the name of the type of outline that you turn in for a grade in this course.

What is the Preparation Outline?


This statement is a single infinitive phrase that indicates what the speaker hopes to accomplish, avoids, figurative language, and is essentially a goal statement.  What is the name of this statement?

What is the Specific Purpose Statement?


These are values that are socially shared ideas about what is good, right and desirable.  They determine what we consider important and what we ignore.  They are communicated through what you say.

What is Ethics.


Organizing your speech in a certain way to achieve particular results with a particular audience.

What is Strategic Organization.


This pattern of organization follows a timeline.

What is Chronological Organization?


These types of materials support your main points, help you flesh out the body of the speech, and supports the claims you are making

What are Supporting Materials.


_____ speeches are designed to convey knowledge and understanding.

What is Informative Speaking?

This term references the physical process of receiving sound.

What is hearing?


This part of your speech should comprise 15-20% of the total speech.

What is the Introduction.


This pattern of organization divides topics into logical, consistent subtopics - like sorting laundry.

What is Topical Organization?


These pieces of your speech are brief statements showing where you are in your speech and helps the audience focus on certain ideas.

What are signposts?


This is the number of main points you can have in this class.

What is 2-5 main points. 


This is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and or nonverbal messages.

What is Listening?


This part of your speech should comprise 10-15% of the total speech.

What is the Conclusion?


These parts of your speech indicate that a speaker has finished one thought and is moving to another.

What are Transitions?


On this document, everything is in complete sentences.

What is the Preparation Outline.


This is the BROAD goal of your speech, not the specific goal.

What is the General Purpose Statement.


This type of listening can be accidental OR purposeful.

What is hearing?


In this part of the speech you should ALWAYS get the audience's attention.

What is the Introduction?


This type of language organizes main points with "the first thing, the second thing, the third thing..."

What is Parallel Language?


Getting psychological closure is a key requirement of this part of your speech.

What is the Conclusion?