Chapter 3 Ethics
Chapter 10 Language
Chapter 1 Public Speaking
Chapter 11 Delivery

the branch of philosophy that involves determinations of what is right and moral...

What is Ethics ?


The intentional exaggeration for effect...

What is Hyperbole ?


The fear of public speaking...

What is Glossophobia ?


The presentation of a short message without advance advance preparation...

What is Impromptu Speaking ?


According to Amare Alexander, life is_____....

What is A journey with filled with twist and turns ?


The speaker's credibility at the beginning of or even before the speech...

A. Terminal Credibility

B. Initial Credibility 

B. What is Initial Credibility ?


The "Give me liberty or Give me death" is an example of...

A. Anaphora

B. Parallelism 

B. What is Parallelism ?


To mentally prepare for a speech, you would want to put your focus on the....

A. Audience and Message 

B. Urgency and Fire Department 

A. What is Audience and Message ?


The subtle but meaningful variations in speech delivery, which can include the use of pitch, tone, volume, and pace...

A. Vocal Cues

B. Volume

A. What is Vocal Cues ?


The motto of Myiah Nickerson was....

A. Nobody is going to care about you more than you

B. Never give up on your dreams and keep fighting for wha you believe in

A. What is Nobody is going to care about you more than you ?


Instead of taking the work as a whole from another source, the student will copy two out of every three sentences and mix them up...

A. Sneaking Plagiarism

B. Stealing

A. What is Sneaking Plagiarism ?


The language that is used in a specific field that may or may not be understood by others...

A. Jargon

B. Figurative Language 

A. What is Jargon ?


Something in the room or physical environment keeps them attending to or understanding a message...

A. Contextual Noise

B. Semantic Noise

A. What is Contextual Noise ?


the type of amplification of the sound in the larynx, oral cavity, and nasal cavity...



B. What is Resonation ?


What sport does Katelin Smith play ?

A. Basketball

B. Softball

B. What is Softball ?


A public speaker, whether delivering a speech in a classroom, board room, civic meeting, or in any other venue must uphold certain _____ standards

A. Ethical

B. Unethical

A. What is Ethical ?


The audience trust speakers who use clear, vivid, respectful, engaging, and use _______...

A. Honest Language

B. Language that excludes others 

A. What is Honest Language ?


The most powerful tool as a public speaker...

A. Voice and Education

B. Stories and Storytelling

B. What is Stories and Storytelling


The audience may feel like your yelling at them if you use...

A. Too much volume

B. Too little volume

A. Too much Volume


In JaMya's Speech, it was said that everyday is____

A. A new day and a day for change

B. A last day and a day for change

A. What is A new day and a day for change ?


The old saying " ______ of the law is no excuse."...



To show how language should be more specific , the ladder of _____ was developed...

A. Attraction

B. Abstraction

B. What is Abstraction ?


When preparing to speak in public the amount of ____ can be good for motivation...

A. Tension

B. Stress

A. What is Tension ?


The byproduct of urgency of message...

A.Pitch and Monotone

B. Pitch and Volume

B. Pitch and volume 


According to Halli K Johnson, when we go through life it is either a 

A. Blessing

B. Lesson

C. Both Lesson or Blessing

C. What is both lesson or blessing ?