Vicious Vocab
Confusing Concepts
Special Speakers
Outrageous Outlines
Exciting Etcetera
Blood, sweat and tears; Father, son and holy spirit are all examples of this concept.
What is a Triad
To reduce anxiety attributed to speaking, this often is the most important thing one can do.
What is practice
This president wrote the Gettysburg Address on the back of an envelope on his way to present.
Who is Abraham Lincoln
This is the first point of organization on any outline
What is an introduction?
Also known as glossphobia, Jerry Seinfeld joked that this fear made being in the casket more appealing than giving the eulogy.
What is the fear of public speaking.
The framework one uses to persuade or convince others to adhere to a cause or belief.
What is rhetoric.
Citing statistics can often help boost this part of a speaker.
What is credibility
Arguably one of the best of the presidential speakers. This man wrote of a "Celebration of Freedom"
Who is JFK
Often described as the "Road Map" this component is key for for any effective introduction
What is the Preview of Main points?
Described as being "Essential" for public speaking, this can be very difficult for some teenagers to obtain
What is confidence
An appeal to emotion is often attributed to which latin term?
What is Pathos?
If your visual aid breaks, you lose your speech, no one shows up and you become ill are all examples of this man's Law
Who is Murphey
Taking us through his vision of equality, this speaker was assassinated for his role in civil rights
Who is Martin Luther King
A memorable statement is often found at this point in the speech
Where is the conclusion?
Red Flags, No Control, Lack of knowledge, no timeframe can all be reasons to do this.
What is refusing to give a presentation
Poorly and often illogical arguments are often known as this
What is a fallacy?
Everything involved in speaking (research, outlines, presentation) are known as this kind of approach to a topic.
What is holistic.
This baseball player demonstrated a wonderful example of personal connection is his address to his fans concerning his illness
Who is Lou Gehrig
An Anecdote is a wonderful was to establish this important component in the Introduction
What is credibility/ audience connection.
Meant to inspire and motivate, this British Orator was famous for his ability to rally his countrymen
Who is Winston Churchill
Stating the opposite of a previous statement to show contrast is often known as this.
What is an antithesis
The direct TV commercials that involve a series of seemingly unrelated but tragic events is a prime of this type of fallacy
What is "Slippery Slope"
Often known as the worst president in history. This man had the worst presence in confrontation and is known for his famous "Checkers" Speech
Who is Richard Nixon.
The main points in the speech are often broken down to these two parts
What is the subordinate point and support point.
Greeting your audience in order of importance and including important people of note in the audience is the proper way to start what style of speech?
What is a formal speech?