What should you say to a customer when you are done bagging their food?
Do you need help to your car?
When you first see a customer, what is the first thing you should say to them?
Good morning!
When bagging groceries, where should you put bananas and tomatoes?
a) Bottom of the bag
b) Middle of the bag
c) Top of the bag
c) Top of the bag!
When you see a customer, show me the face that you should make.
When bagging, where should you put bread & eggs?
a) Bottom of the bag
b) Middle of the bag
c) Top of the bag
c) Top of the bag!
True or False:
When you're bagging groceries, it is important to stand up straight with a smile on your face.
True or False:
When a customer buys raw meat products, you should put each kind of meat into its own bag.
Do not mix meats!
True or False:
You should only greet policemen and firefighters.
You should greet everyone!
True or False:
You can put warm products and cold products together in the same bag.
You should put cold products and warm products together in their own bags.
True or False:
If a customer is buying cleaning products, you can put those in the same bag as their food products.
You should never put cleaning products and food together in the same bag.
When you are at work, show me how your should stand.
Posture upright with hands out of pockets!
When you are at Work Experience, who is in charge of bagging the groceries?
a) Paraprofessionals
b) Cashiers
c) The student
c) The student
True or False:
There is no such thing as too many compliments.
If you compliment someone too much, then that can make someone uncomfortable. Stick to, "Good morning!"
If a customer is buying 3 tubs of ice cream, how many bags should you use?
Two tubs of ice cream maximum per bag.
Comb hair, cut nails, wear uniform appropriately, wear name tag, hair up and out of your face, clean hands, etc.
Professional, buy continuing to do your job and not getting distracted.
What are two items you should ALWAYS put by themselves in a bag?
Bread & Eggs!
When you are bagging at Publix, where should your eyes be focused?
a) On the floor
b) On what you are doing
c) On the cashier
b) On what you are doing!
Always pay attention to what you are doing.
What is the maximum amount of cans should you have in 1 bag?
3-6 (depending on the size)
If you have a question while at Publix, who are two people you should ask for help?
A paraprofessional or a manager
When you are not bagging, what 3 things should you do?
1) Look around to see if anyone else needs help
2) Collect the green baskets
3) Go outside with a para to get shopping carts
What is the name of the main manager that you check in with at Publix?
Mr. Logan!
Give me an example of 3 things you should NOT do while you're working.
Go on your phone, talk to friends, slouch, high five customers, hands in your pockets, etc.
If you have to sneeze or cough, show me how you should do that.
Into your arm, covering your mouth.
What is Publix's motto?
"Where shopping is a pleasure!"