The capital of the island
San Juan
Como sigue la canción “Noche de Paz, noche de …”
Person who discovered Puerto Rico during his second voyage
Christopher Columbus
They were the original inhabitants of the island
What are the Taíno
True or False: Puerto Ricans that live on the island can vote in the Presidential elections
Que día se celebra la Navidad
24 diciembre
En qué país se originó la traducían del árbol de navidad
True or False: The Resident commissioner for Puerto Rico in the United States Congress has no voting power.
True or False: Puerto Rico has its own Congress.
Man who led settlers to Puerto Rico and was the 1st governor
Juan Ponce de Leon
Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Vixen, Prancer, Cupid, Comet, Blitzen y Donner.
What does "Puerto Rico" mean?
rich port
Percentage of Puerto Rican exports to the U.S.
Percentage of Puerto Ricans on the island who are bilingual (Spanish and English)
What is 25% or 1/4 of the population
Que representa el pesebre en la Navidad
El lugar del nacimiento de niños Jesús
True or false. 85% of the population are Roman Catholic
What is Santeria
Afro-Cuban religion that believes in many gods and practices animal sacrifice
Year in which Spanish and English became the two official languages of Puerto Rico
Year in which Puerto Ricans became U.S. citizens
What is 1917
Puerto Ricans are descendants of ___
Spaniards, Taino Indians and Africans
Year of the Spanish-American War
Year in which Puerto Rico became a Commonwealth
Land U.S. gained from the Spanish-American War
Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines
In 1508 this Spaniard came to the island looking for gold
Juan Ponce De Leon