Puerto Rico has loyalty to this country.
United States
Puerto Rico has this type of climate.
This food is made from plantain and pork mash.
This is the capital of Puerto Rico
San Juan
This type of music with a fast, upbeat, rhythmic tempo is popular in Puerto Rico.
These three colors are found in the Puerto Rican flag
Red, White, and Blue
This is the average temperature in the mountains.
70° F
This is the term for roast suckling pig.
This is the geography term for a land mass made up of several islands
This is how Puerto Rican's name their children.
They receive a first name, their father's last name and their mother's last name.
60% of Puerto Rico is covered by this
Puerto Rico is vulnerable to this weather condition.
Puerto Rican food is like the food of these three places
Spain, Cuba, Mexico
This is one of Puerto Rico's most beautiful natural resources with misty forests, waterfalls, and natural pools of crystal-clear water.
El Yunque National Rainforest
This popular holiday involves walking backward into the ocean and falling into it.
What is San Juan Bautista Day
These are the items that Puerto Rico specializes in manufacturing.
Medicine, textiles, and electronics.
These are the two seasons that Puerto Rico experiences
Dry and Rainy
These spices are used in traditional Puerto Rican cooking, which is not usually spicy hot.
garlic, onion and cilantro
This is the shape of Puerto Rico and its dimensions
Rectangle. 100 miles long and 35 miles wide.
This is built over a highway in Bayamon.
City Hall
This is the term for the sugarcane, coffee, pineapples, bananas, and chickens that are sent to other countries to sell from Puerto Rico
This blows year round towards the equator from the northeast in Puerto Rico.
Trade Wind
This food is made with yellow rice and peas with roasted pork.
Arroz con gandules y lechon
Puerto Rico is located between these two bodies of water.
The Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
These are the official languages of Puerto Rico.
Spanish and English