Leaders and Great Achievers
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Culture and Everyday Life
Born and raised in the Bronx, NY; went to Yale Law School and served on the U.S. Circuit Court and Court of Appeals in New York. Since 2009 she has been an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, the first Puerto Rican and Latina to hold this position
Who is Sonia Sotomayor
An actress, dancer, entrepreneur, film producer, philanthropist, and singer. In 2012, she was ranked at number one on business magazine Forbes's Celebrity 100 list, which named her the most powerful celebrity.
Who is Jennifer Lopez
Puerto Rico is located off the coast of which state?
What is Florida
A common change in the pronunciation of words ending in -ado -ido and -edo
What is the dropping of the letter 'd'
A popular Puerto Rican side dish made from slices of green plantains that have been fried, flattened, and fried again.
What are 'Tostones'
One of baseball's most admired performers and a member of the Hall of Fame, played on 12 National League All-Star teams and was named Most Valuable Player in 1966
Who is Roberto Clemente
Two-time Grammy and three-time Latin Grammy–award winning singer and actor who has sold more than 12 million salsa and ballad albums worldwide.
Who is Marc Antony
Christopher Columbus arrived in Puerto Rico in...
What is 1493
The weakening or dropping of consonants at the end of words ex. lo(s) do(s) = lo(h) do(h)
What is aspiration or elimination of syllable-final /s/
A 15 year-old girl's traditional birthday celebration
What is 'Quinceañero'
Elected in 2000, became the commonwealth's first female governor.
Who is Sila María Calderón
A pop singer and broadway actor, he is a philanthropist whose foundation is dedicated to eliminating human trafficking
Who is Ricky Martin
The capital of Puerto Rico
What is San Juan
Pronouncing 'l' and 'r' the same in certain words
What are final syllable changes
The three main races that contribute to the Puerto Rican culture
What are Indian (Taino and Carib), Spanish, and African
The CEO and Chairman of BANCO POPULAR, he also runs the Finance Committee for the International Olympics. He is one of Puerto Rico's most successful businessmen in addition to being a philanthropist dedicated to providing underprivileged children with education and sports opportunities
Who is Richard Carrion
A Puerto Rican composer and singer of Puerto Rican music
Who is Ismael Rivera
Puerto Rico is the smallest of which group of islands?
What is The Greater Antilles Islands
Puerto Rican slang word meaning 'guy'
What is 'Chacho'
Warlike cannibals who originally came from the jungles of South America
What are the Carib Indians
Founder of the Popular Democratic Party in 1938 and president of the Puerto Rico senate from 1940 to 1948
Who is Luis Muñoz Marin
A stage and film actress for over 60 years, she is the founder and director of New York’s Puerto Rican Traveling Theater and winner of the Obie Award’s Lifetime Achievement in the Theater category in 1993
Who is Miriam Colón
San Juan was the first town established in the island by colonizer...
Who is Juan Ponce de León
Puerto Rican slang word meaning 'friend'
What is 'Pana'
A folkloric character in Puerto Rican festival celebrations
What is 'Vejigante'