This person is friends with Alex Taylor
Who is Zach P?
This person plays hockey
Who is Max?
Double Jeopardy:
1. This person is Spanish
2. This person is French
1. Who is Marc C?
2. Who is Marin?
This person is the youngest of 4 siblings
Who is Mitch G?
This person has never broken a bone
Who is Michael A?
Double Jeopardy:
1. This person likes traveling
2. This person loves cars
1. Who is Shanelle?
2. Who is Dave?
Double Jeopardy
1. This person thinks crypto is the future
2. This person trades options
1. Who is Nathan?
2. Who is Gio?
This person is very cool
Who is Kamber?
This person is a triplet
Who is Vincent?
This person can hold a handstand for a really long time
Who is Lauren?
This person can do a whistle tone (like Mariah Carey)
Who is Aaron?
This person sleeps a lot
Who is Mike G?
The person has moved every two years
Who is Alaina?
This person has 2 dogs
Who is Clare?
This person has broken both of his arms
Who is Chris?
This person likes to play fantasy football
Who is Mitch W?
This person shares a birthday with his dog
Who is Ivan?
This person lived in Germany for 4 years through elementary school
Who is Henry?
Triple Jeopardy:
These 3 people have a twin
Who is Mark B?
Who is Zach?
Who is Mark M?
This person got stung by a jellyfish once
Who is Nash?
This person actually loves grass and a really nice lawn and he always loves detailing cars
Who is Addison?
Double Jeopardy:
1. This person likes dua lipa
2. This person has been put in jail for 2 days
1. Who is Jackson?
2. Who is Brendan?
This persons great great grandpa was a former Tsar of Russia
Who is Carlo?
This person is a top 500 overwatch player N.A
Who is Jack?
This person busted his head & eyebrow open and had to get stitches when he was younger
Who is Kalik?