Music To My Ears
"That's tight"
"So Invasive"

This discontinuous, high-pitched sound is heard during inspiration and is not cleared by cough

What are crackles or rales


This disease is caused by inhalation of silicon dioxide which activates alveolar macrophages leading to fibrogenesis.

What is Silicosis


This disorder is defined as having a "chronic cough for 3 months in each of 2 successive years in patients whom other causes have been excluded"

What is chronic bronchitis 


This neoplasm is frequently found in the proximal tracheobronchial tree. It is centrally located and has cavitary lesions.

What is squamous cell carcinoma. (NON-small cell lung cancer)


ARDs usually develop and progress rapidly. Patients develop atelectasis and presents with severe refractory hypoxemia. What do you expect to see on CXR?

What is diffused bilateral infiltrates, "ground glass" appearance


When doing percussion on a patient with empyema, you would expect to hear this

What is a dull sound


This disease has progressive scarring of the lungs due to unknown causes (after ruling out "non-idiopathic" causes). On PFT you will find decreased FRC and lung volumes.

What is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis


This disorder is defined as "destruction of the alveolar capillaries and alveolar walls with permanent airway enlargement"

What is emphysema


This disease is acquired via droplet inhalation and favors the apices. The caseating lesions can lay latent and/or home in other organs

What is tuberculosis


When a thoracentesis fails, you would proceed to place in a chest tube where?

What is between the 4th and 5th rib, right above the 5th rib, mid-axillary.


This loud high-pitch sound is heard over the trachea and larynx

What are bronchial breath sounds

On CXR, you observe right-sided unilateral, decreased peripheral lung markings. There is noted tracheal deviation to the left. 

What is a pneumonthorax


This disorder is defined as having "persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitations from alveolar abnormalities due to exposure of noxious particles or gases"

What is COPD


This complication presents classically with hypoxia, pleuritic chest pain, and tachycardia. On exam, you should assess if there is a positive Homans sign.

What is a pulmonary embolism.


This test is the gold standard for detecting a pulmonary emboli

What is a pulmonary angiography


This high-pitched, whistling, continuous, musical sound is heard louder during expiration compared to inspiration due to narrowed or obstructed airways

What is wheezing


This disease is from insufficient surfactant production leading to atelectasis and poor pulmonary perfusion without ventilation. 

What is hyaline membrane disease or RDS (infant respiratory distress syndrome)


This multisystem disease is autosomal recessive due to mutation of the CFTR gene. It is diagnosed by sweat chloride test.

What is cystic fibrosis 


This type neoplasm is aggressive and metastatic. On CT, the mass will usually be centrally located. Superior vena cava syndrome is pathognomonic in this condition. 

What is small cell lung cancer


When examing an CXR of a patient with empyema, you would expect to see this.

What is blunting of the costophrenic angle.


This monomorphic sound is usually loudest over the anterior neck and is heard during inspiration and expiration

What is stridor


This idiopathic lung disease is a diagnosis of exclusion. It is defined as a chronic multisystemic inflammatory granulomatous disease. 

What is sarcoidosis


This reversible disorder is caused by airway hyperreactivity and bronchoconstriction of the small airways. It has a classic triad of dyspnea, wheezing, and cough.

What is asthma


This complication favors the right main bronchus due to its angle. On CXR, you may see lobar atelectasis or hyperinflation. 

What is foreign body aspiration


A low-dose CT is required for lung cancer screening. What is the most UP-TO-DATE criteria according to USPSTF

The criteria are:

-Adults age 50-80

-have a 20-pkyear history

-currently smoke or have quit within the last 15 years