Chronic Lung Diseases
Acute Lung Diseases
Pulmonary Hypertension and RV
Visual Dx
Critical Care

Has the greatest prognostic value for severity and mortality in COPD

What is post-bronchodilator FEV1


ABG criteria used to define acute respiratory failure

What are...

- PaO2 < 60

- PCO2 > 50


Important risk factor for pulmonary artery hypertension in Reno, NV

What is Methamphetamine use 


What is right pneumothorax (after a central line placement)

The best treatment for high altitude pulmonary edema. 

What is rapid descent?


A 60-year-old man is evaluated for a 7-month history of progressive dyspnea and dry cough. He is a former cigarette smoker. Has "velcro" crackles on lung auscultation. Clubbing is present.  CXR shows bibasilar septal line thickening with reticular changes and lung volume loss. PFTs are pending. What is the most likely diagnosis?

What is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis


The most common cause of post op fever. 

What is atelectasis?

EKG criteria of RBBB
  • QRS duration > 120ms
  • RSR’ pattern in V1-3 (“M-shaped” QRS complex)
  • Wide, slurred S wave in lateral leads (I, aVL, V5-6)

Name of this radiological pattern and what condition/s is it correlated with.  

What is advanced ILD or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. 

A TBI patient has systolic hypertension, bradycardia, and slow respirations
What is Cushing's Triad? - late sign of advanced increased intracranial pressure

53-year-old woman presents for follow-up evaluation of an incidentally found 4-mm solid lung nodule in the right lower lobe on abdominal CT scan. She is a lifelong nonsmoker, and has no significant exposure history, and no family history. What is the recommendation for follow-up? 

No follow-up is indicated 


Definition of ARDS

  • PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 200
  • Acute onset
  • Multifocal infiltrates compatible with non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema 

Portal hypertension belongs to this WHO category (group) of Pulmonary Hypertension 

What is Group 1


A 42-year-old woman with systemic sclerosis is evaluated for 2 months of dyspnea and exertional chest pain. What is the most likely diagnosis?  

What is pulmonary hypertension 


Mechanism of tissue hypoxia during sepsis/septic shock (beyond hypoperfusion)

What is Cytopathic hypoxia // Impairment of mitochondrial respiration // poor oxygen utilization 


Therapy for mild-intermittent asthma

What is as needed low-dose ICS + LABA


Name one of the key features of the Lung Protective Ventilation/ventilator settings for ARDS

Plateau pressure <30 cmH20 

Low tidal volume (TV) ventilation (4-8 mL/kg)

Permissive hypercapnia


Most likely cause of pulmonary hypertension in this patient: 56-year-old woman with hx of developmental delay and congenital heart disease. She is on low-dose aspirin and thyroid replacement therapy. She has grade 1/6 holosystolic murmur at the left lower sternal border. The toes demonstrate cyanosis and digital clubbing.

What is Patent Ductus Arteriosus 


A 65-year-old man is admitted to the hospital with a COPD exacerbation, rapidly goes into respiratory failure and requires intubation. What do you think is going on based on this CXR?  

Right mainstem bronchus mucous plug/obstruction 


Cause of postoperative severe headache in a 64-year-old male with pre-existing hypertension who just underwent unilateral surgery to relieve carotid stenosis.

What is Neurogenic Edema 


Eosinophil count threshold for considering ICS therapy in a patient with COPD with 1 or less than 1 complicated exacerbation 

What is 300/mL (Can be 100-300/mL if 1 exacerbation) 


Test performed has good sensitivity to determine diaphragmatic injury as the cause of hypercapnic respiratory failure after a prolonged ICU stay/postop

What is Sniff Test (or Diaphragmatic Fluoroscopy) 


Name the test and one of the medications that can be used for determining the use of calcium channel blockers in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension

Vasoreactivity test during RHC 

-Nitric oxide 

-Epoprostenol (IV) 

-Adenosine (IV)


Treatment for this patient with acute shortness of breath: 

What is Lasix 


This drug is indicated in an SVT where you see delta waves.

What is Procainamide?