A person has this form of TB when they are infected but clinically silent

What is Latent?


These three things known as a triad lead to a PE

What is venous stasis, hypercoagulability, and vascular endothelial damage?


This is the most common pathogen of pneumonia

What is streptococcus pneumoniae?


What is the most common cause of ARDS?



This is characterized by permanent widening of the bronchioles and presents with a chronic cough with thick mucopurulent sputum

What is bronchiectasis?


This form of TB can be seen as cavitary lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs

What is secondary TB?


This is the final effect of a PE in the right side of the heart

What is systemic arterial hypotension?


These two pathogens of pneumonia can be diagnosed with a urine antigen test

What are S. pneumoniae and Legionella?


This stage of ARDS is classified by alveolar endothelial damage and inflammation

What is exudative?


This can be diagnosed with elevated Cl in sweat

What is CF


This test is used to identify drug resistant TB

What is NAAT-TB?


A 20 y/o pt comes to the ER with sudden dyspnea and CP. She is hyperventilating and states she "is dying". The pt vitals are as follows BP 136/74 P 96 R24 sat 97%. The patient is sexually active and denies birth control use. The patient has not travelled recently and denies recent surgery. This patient is this risk of PE and you will order this test



A patient comes to you presenting with a sore throat and hoarseness. Upon ordering a chest XRay you note patchy infiltrates. This is the best treatment

What is doxy?


What is the diagnostic criteria of ARDS HINT Berlin definition 3 things

What is respiratory sx manifested within 1 week of inciting event, bilateral opacities consistent with PE, and blood gasses demonstrating moderate to severe O2 impairment?


The primary lesion in TB and the infected hilar lymph nodes are known as this which is a lung lesion with lymph node involvement

What is Gohn Complex?


A patient comes to you after having a PPD test. They have no medical hx and you note that they are from MA. They are getting the test before returning to school. You notice the area has 18mm of redness with a 12mm raised area. What are the results of this test.

What is negative?


This is sometimes found on an EKG in a PE

What is S1Q3T3?

This bacteria is the most common cause of post influenza pneumonia and is treated with this medication

S.Aureus; beta lactam and or/vanco


These are the three characteristics of ARDS

What is acute onset, bilateral alveolar infiltrates, and hypoxemia?


This lung neoplasm is peripherally located and does not have a strong correlation with smoking

What is adenocarcinoma?


A patient comes to you with after receiving a positive T-SPOT test. The patient was likely given this test because of this reason

What is a hx of a BCG vaccine who is concerned about TB?


A 52 y/o patient comes to you with sudden dyspnea after getting off a plane earlier in the day. The patient is able to talk in full sentences but states she just feels off. She is complaining of pain in her lower leg with moderate CP. Vitals are as follows BP 110/80 P 88 R18 sat 95%. The patient has a positive CTA for a PE. What is the first initial treatment?

Heparin and Warfarin or an Xa inhibitor such as Rivaroxaban or Apixaban


You have a patient  admitted to the hospital with severe CAP what is the best treatment options

What is ceftriaxone 1g IV and azithromycin 500mg IV OR levofloxacin IV

Moderate ARDS is a paO2/ FiO2 of this

What is 100-200


The hallmarks of this disease are hyponatremia, high urine osmolality, and high urine Na and is due to increased secretion of ADH.

What is SIADH or syndrome of inappropriate ADH?