The Environment
Up for a Challenge?
These include trees such as Pine, Spruce, Maple and Oak.
What trees are the major sources of papermaking fibers?
This process involves collecting, sorting, repulping, refining and making into something new
What is the process for paper recycling?
These are two pulping methods.
What is Mechanical and Chemical pulping?
This is one paper-related career where you spend lots of time outside.
What is a Forester, Timber manager or Logger?
They need to make sure there are enough trees for paper and pulp in the future AND They need to continue to turn papermaking into a clean process AND They need to make recycling easier for mixed papers.
What are some challenges facing the Pulp and Paper industry?
This is another use for forestland owned by the pulp and paper industry.
What is: *Camping, *Hiking, *Wildlife Habitat, *Control Soil Erosion, *Absorb/store carbon
This is what happens when the leaves, needles, small branches and roots are left in the forest to enrich the soil and prevent erosion
What are wood byproducts?
In this process, chemicals dissolve and remove much of the lignin. Wood chips are "pressure cooked" in a solution of water and chemicals until the fibers fall apart. This produces strong paper
What is Chemical Pulping?
This is one paper related career where you might need a science-related degree.
What is Environmental engineer, Manufacturing engineer, Packaging engineer, Forester, Research and development
Recycled office paper with laser ink often leaves its mark on this household product.
What are those black specs in my toilet paper?
This is a way the timber industry harvests timber.
What are: Clearcutting Shelterwood Single-tree selection Improvement cuttings?
It is used to whiten paper pulp
What is bleach?
In this process, there are two ways to pulp 1) Groundwood - tears the fibers out of a log & 2) Thermomechancial pulp - chips are heated and separated by a disk
What is Mechanical Pulping?
This is one paper-related career that are business-oriented.
What is Sales, Marketing, Administration (managers, accountants, legal, IT) and Recycling program manager?
This is the most common use of groundwood paper that we might read every day.
What is newspaper?
These Forestry practices include Seed trees and Shelterwood
What are reforesting methods?
To whiten the paper
Why is pulp bleached?
These are the typical steps: 1) Pulping, 2) Refining - unraveling fibers so they can bond more easily, 3) Mixing & blending - different types of pulp so it has the needed physical properties, like holding a dye color, 4) Forming the sheet, 5) Coating and 6) Winding and slitting
What are the steps in making paper?
This is one government paper-related career.
What is Forester, Administrator/Manager and Regulator?
This is another way to use paper pulp.
What is Composting, Spraying it on slopes with grass seed OR Making seed starter cups
This is when mature trees are cut down and replaced with new ones.
What is reforesting?
This was the first material used to make a paper-like product.
What is papyrus?
This process helps improve smoothness for printing. It also helps paper perform special purposes (e.g., carbon paper, moisture resistant).
What is paper coating?
In descending order, the countries are China, United States and Japan.
What are the top paper-producing countries?
8,333 sheets of paper
What is the average number of sheets of paper in a paper tree? (that's 16 reems of paper or about 1.5 boxes of paper)