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A customer will use this CGM type with Basal-IQ.

What is G6?

In order to use Control-IQ, you need to use this Dexcom type.

What is Dexcom G6?


This is the product you would send when a customer needs syringe/needle replacements.

What are cartridges?


These are activities that cause faster battery depletion. (name at least 3)

What are using more than 40u of insulin per day, screen timeout of 60sec or longer, interacting with touchscreen for longer than 60min per day, letting alerts/alarms/reminders go unacknowledged, TX in 24-hour search period, Bluetooth setting is ON when not using the mobile app.


This is the company that ships Tandem rubber doors and screen protectors.

Who is USPS?


If Basal-IQ suspends insulin, this will happen to the DELIVER LATER portion of an extended bolus.

What is DELIVER NOW portion will completely deliver and the DELIVER LATER portion will be cancelled?


This is occurring when the customer sees the bottom half of the diamond shaded orange on the CGM graph.

What is Control-IQ has decreased basal insulin delivery?


This alert and subsequent alarm will occur after the pump has not been interacted with for the time set in the customer’s pump settings.

What are the Auto Off alert and Auto Off alarm?


Battery Jumps is often a symptom of this alert.

What is a Power Source alert?


This company ships all Tandem products (besides rubber doors and screen protectors).

Who is UPS?


Insulin will suspend with Basal-IQ technology if one of these 2 factors occur.

What is if the 30-min predicted reading is less than 80 mg/dL or if the current reading is 70 mg/dL or less?


These two Control-IQ activities cannot be turned on at the same time.

What is Sleep Mode and Exercise Mode?


These are the only products you will add to Active Case Products (ACP) if the script asks you to.

What are infusion sets, cartridges, and insulin?


These can cause the altitude alarm (list at least 2)

What are pump going outside of operating range of -1,300 to 10,000 feet, the pump is exposed to moisture, including condensation, humidity, sweat, etc., and the vents on the back of the pump (speaker holes) are blocked 


This is the goodwill order cutoff time.

What is 1PM PST?


This is one reason that Basal-IQ will resume insulin after it has been suspended.

What is if the current CGM reading increased from the previous reading (NADIR), if insulin has been suspended for 2 hours in the last 2.5 hours, or if more than 10 mins of CGM data is missing?


This user-programmed setting that increases or decreases basal rates for a period of time cannot be turned on when Control-IQ is active.

What is Temp Rate?


This alert will occur if the bolus screen has not been exited out of for 90 seconds.

What is the Incomplete Bolus Alert.


This is how you can tell if a pump is having an Undefined Malfunction.

What is a black screen, the pump is beeping/vibrating every 3min, and the LED light is flashing red every 30sec.


This is where you would check if a customer has Saturday delivery for a pump replacement.

What is the UPS website under Calculate Shipping Time & Cost?


You will see these 3 things on the pump home screen when Basal-IQ suspends insulin. (name at least 2)

What is a Red S next to the insulin gauge, the bottom half of the gray diamond under the battery gauge is shaded red, and a red bar on the CGM graph?


These are 6 key differences between Basal-IQ and Control-IQ. (name at least 2)

What is Control-IQ adjusts basal to account for both high and low bgs, delivers automatic correction boluses, can not use temp rate, has exercise and sleep activities, insulin duration is set at 5 hours, and requires weight and total daily insulin?


This is where you would direct the customer to on the pump when they need to prime the tubing for air bubbles.

What is Load > Fill Tubing > Fill on existing cartridge?


You will replace the pump for a Data Error Alert 4 if this occurs.

What is if the customer reported this issue a second time with the same pump SN within the past 6 months.


This is the zip code Tandem Ships from.

What is 92121?