Tandem T-Slim/Mobi
Medtronic MiniMed
OmniPod 5
Dexcom G7

Change the time & date on a tandem t-slim to 4:20 pm on April 20th

Options -> Scroll Down -> Device Settings -> Time and Date -> Change


Deliver a bolus of 5.5 units. 

Menu (circle) -> insulin (vial) -> Bolus -> Go up to 5.5 Units

BONUS QUESTION: Why do you think there was no option for carb input on your demo?


Begin the process of a pod change (keep going until you hit the "no active pod" page)

Menu (three lines) -> Pod -> Change Pod -> Yes to deactivate pod

BONUS: How long is the "grace" period after a pod expires? 


Check how many days left are on the current sensor

Connections -> Sensor days left

BONUS: Why does an omnipod camper still need to bring their phone into camp, even though their PDM acts as a transmitter for their CGM? 


Find the active alerts on the iLet

Slide to unlock -> bell icon


Deliver a bolus of 10 units, given the current CGM value.

Bolus -> Add correction bolus -> change to 10 units -> deliver

BONUS QUESTION: How would I CANCEL an active bolus? 


Begin the process of a full pump site change (changing reservoir and site) 

Menu (circle) -> Reservoir & Set (pump) -> New reservoir and set

BONUS QUESTION: If you aren't sure how to insert an infusion set, who should you call?


Place the pump in activity mode for 24 hours

Menu (three lines) -> Activity -> Duration (24 hours) -> Start

BONUS: What is a good tip for remembering to re-activate activity mode on an OP5 every 24 hours? 

Turn off the share function

Connections -> Share -> Toggle Off

BONUS QUESTION: Who makes sure that share is turned off at check-in on camper phones? 


Deliver a less than usual meal for breakfast

Slide to unlock -> meal icon -> select breakfast -> select usual -> slide to deliver

BONUS: When should you announce a meal for a camper?


Turn OFF control IQ (aka, AID mode)

Options -> My Pump -> Control IQ -> Toggle Off

BONUS QUESTION: Can you set a temp basal in auto mode? 


Check the bolus history for the most recent date in the pump. 

Menu (circle) -> History & Graph (graph) -> History -> Daily History -> Select Day


Give a bolus using the current CGM value plus 50 g of carbs

Insulin (insulin vial) -> type in 50 carbs -> push "use sensor" -> hit confirm -> hit start

BONUS QUESTION: How would you check how many units of insulin are on board? 


Find the 3 day clarity summary on the app.

Scroll down -> select 3 days


Find where you would adjust the alert settings

Note: It will give you a pop up when you reach it and you cannot actually adjust alerts on the simulator

Menu (three lines) -> Alerts (sound icon)


Reduce all basal rates by .1 units on the active profile. 

Options -> My Pump -> Personal Profiles -> Active profile name -> Edit -> Timed Settings -> Click on times and edit individually

BONUS QUESTION: What do we automatically reduce all basal rate patterns by? Hint - it is not by .1 units for everyone!


Set a temporary basal rate: The current basal rate reduced by 100% for two hours.

Menu (circle) -> insulin (vial) -> Basal -> Temp Basal -> Change Duration -> Change percentage -> Begin

BONUS QUESTION: When would we want to do a temporary basal?


Check the bolus history

Menu (three lines) -> History Detail -> Look at summary 

BONUS QUESTION: Why do we check bolus histories for our campers?


Change the graph height on the CGM graph to 300 (or 400 if it is currently 300)

Profile -> Glucose Tab -> Graph Height


Change the camper target to "higher"

Note: the simulator won't actually let you do this, but go as far as you can. 

Menu (three lines) -> Settings (gear) -> therapy

BONUS: What else can you do here, according to the pop up on the simulator? 


Check the bolus history

Options -> Scroll Down -> History -> Pump History -> Bolus


Create a NEW basal profile, where the rate is .5 unit per hour until 12pm, and .25 units per hour until 12am.

Menu (circle) -> Insulin (vial) -> Basal -> Basal Pattern Setup -> Add new -> Select name -> make first row until 1200 with .5 -> make second row until 2400 with .25 -> Review -> Save -> Click on new profile to activate -> Click OK/Begin


Set a temporary basal rate: The current basal rate, reduced by 100% for two hours

Note: the simulator will not let you actually change the rate, but at least get to the screen where you change the % and duration.

FIRST: Switch out of auto mode: Menu (three lines) -> Switch mode -> Switch

THEN: Set temp rate: Menu (three lines) -> Set temp basal


Turn on alerts for urgent low, urgent low soon, and low BGs on the Dexcom G7. 

Profile -> Alerts -> Select each and toggle on


Find the usual number of units of insulin given at each meal. 

Menu (three lines) -> History (clock) -> Insulin History 

BONUS: When would you want to know this information?