End Punctuation
Quotation Marks
A telling sentence ends with this punctuation mark
What is a period (.)
Which words should be capitalized in this sentence? "i want to go to new mexico."
What is (I) and (New Mexico)
Where should the commas be placed in this sentence? I saw bears giraffes and kangaroos at the zoo.
What is after bears, giraffes, I saw bears, giraffes, and kangaroos at the zoo.
Where should the quotation marks be placed? This is my best work, said Ann.
What is before "This and after work," "This is my best work," said Ann.
Which sentence is punctuated correctly? a.)They like, oranges, apples and grapes. b.)They like oranges, apples, and, grapes. c.)They like oranges, apples, and grapes.
What is c.) They like oranges, apples, and grapes.
An asking sentence ends with a ......
What is a question mark (?)
What words should be capitalized in this sentence? mrs. picard said, "I want sue to put away her things."
What is (Mrs. Picard) and (Sue)
Where should the commas be placed in this sentence? Please go outside look for your brother and tell him to come in.
What is after outside, brother, Please go outside, look for your brother, and tell him to come in.
Where should the quotation marks be placed in this sentence? May I have a drink of water? asked Tom.
What is before May and after the question mark after (water). "May I have a drink of water?" asked Tom.
Which sentence is punctuated correctly? a.) Yes, I will help you, Ari. b.) Yes I will help you, Ari. c.) Yes, I will help you Ari.
What is a.) Yes, I will help you, Ari.
A sentence that shows strong feeling or emotion ends with this....
What is an exclamation mark (!)
Which words should be capitalized in this sentence? our principal, mrs. schecter has visited panama, cape town, and truro.
What is (Our), (Mrs. Schecter), (Panama), (Cape Town), and (Truro).
Where should the commas be placed in this sentence? Thomas Jefferson died on July 4 1776 in Charlottesville Virginia.
What is after the 4 and after Charlottesville. Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1776 in Charlottesville,Virginia.
Where should the quotation marks be placed in this sentence? Mrs. Mulkerin shouted, That's the best class that I have ever seen!
What is before "That's and after the exclamation point after (seen). Mrs. Mulkerin shouted, "That's the best class that I have ever seen!"
Which sentence is punctuated correctly? a.) "How old are you? he asked." b.) "How old are you?" he asked. c.) "How old are you? he" asked.
What is b.) "How old are you?" he asked.
A statement or command tells something or someone to do something. It ends with a .......
What is a period (.)
Which words should be capitalized in this sentence? mom and her friend, pam, want to go to samba's for dinner.
What is (Mom), (Pam) and (Samba)
Where should the comma be placed in this sentence? Sure I'll try to answer the question.
What is after Sure. Sure, I'll try to answer the question.
Where should the quotation marks be placed in this sentence? The little girl cried, I can't see anything. The boy in front of me is too tall.
What is before the "I and after the period (tall). The little girl cried, "I can't see anything. The boy in front of me is too tall."
Which sentence is punctuated correctly? a.)"That's funny," laughed Mary. b.)"That's funny?" laughed Mary. c.) "That's funny!" laughed Mary.
What is c.) "That's funny!" laughed Mary.
Oh,no, I forgot to do my homework_____ a.)Is this a statement b.)Is this a question c.)Is this an exclamation d.)Is this a command
What is an exclamation(!)
Which words should be capitalized in this sentence? Was j.k. murphy born on march 9, 1977?
What is (J.K.) (Murphy) and (March)
Where should the commas be placed in this sentence? "Joe come over here now and pick up this mess" I said.
What is after Joe and after mess. "Joe, come over here now and pick up this mess," I said.
Where should the quotation marks be placed in this sentence? You're a really good math student, I said. No, I'm not, he replied.
What is before "You're and after the comma after (student) and before "No and after the comma after (not). "You're a really good math student," I said. "No, I'm not," he replied.
Which sentence is punctuated correctly? a.) "OK! OK!" You can have a snack I told them. b.) "OK! OK! You can have a snack," I told them. c.) "OK! OK! You can have a snack I told them."
What is b.) "OK! OK! You can have a snack," I told them.