“Which of the following requires a comma?
a) Before ‘and’ in a series
b) After ‘and’ in a series
c) Before ‘the’ in a series”
a) Before ‘and’ in a series
In a list, commas are used to separate items, and a comma should be placed before the conjunction (and, or, but) in a series.
“When should a semicolon be used?”
A semicolon is used to join two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning, or to separate items in a list that already contains commas.
A semicolon helps clarify the relationship between two ideas, without the need for a conjunction.
“When should a full stop be used in a sentence?”
A full stop (period) should be used at the end of a declarative sentence to show that the thought is complete.
A full stop marks the end of a complete thought or statement. It tells the reader that the sentence has finished.
“What is a sentence fragment?”
A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that does not express a complete thought. It may be missing a subject or a verb.
Sentence fragments fail to provide enough information to form a complete thought.
“What is a run-on sentence?”
A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are joined without proper punctuation or conjunctions.
Run-on sentences often lack commas, semicolons, or conjunctions to separate ideas properly.
“Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a) I ate pizza, and salad.
b) I ate pizza and, salad.
c) I ate pizza and salad.”
c) I ate pizza and salad.
No comma is needed between the two items when using “and” to connect them. A comma is not necessary in a simple compound list.
Which sentence uses a semicolon correctly?
a) I want to go swimming; however, it’s raining.
b) I want to go swimming, however; it’s raining.
c) I want to go swimming however; it’s raining.”
a) I want to go swimming; however, it’s raining.
The semicolon is correctly used to join two independent clauses. The conjunction ‘however’ starts a new clause and needs to be separated by a comma.
“Which of the following is correct?
a) I love reading books.
b) I love reading books
c) I love reading books!”
a) I love reading books.
The correct sentence ends with a full stop. A full stop is used at the end of a statement, unlike the exclamation mark.
“Which of the following is a sentence fragment?
a) She went to the store.
b) Because she went to the store.
c) She went to the store, and bought some milk.”
b) Because she went to the store.
This is a fragment because it begins with a subordinate conjunction ‘because’ and doesn’t express a complete thought.
“Which sentence is a run-on?
a) I like to read books, I love movies.
b) I like to read books, and I love movies.
c) I like to read books; I love movies.”
a) I like to read books, I love movies.
This is a run-on because there is no conjunction or semicolon separating the two independent clauses.
Where should the comma go in this sentence?
‘After school I went to the library.’
“Where should the comma go in this sentence?
‘After school I went to the library.’
The comma should be placed after ‘school’: ‘After school, I went to the library.’
“Can a semicolon be used between two sentences with no conjunction? Give an example.”
Yes, a semicolon can be used to link two independent clauses without a conjunction. Example: ‘I have a big test tomorrow; I need to study tonight.’
Semicolons connect closely related independent clauses, even without a conjunction.
“Is the following sentence correctly punctuated?
‘She went to the store it was raining outside.’
No, the sentence is not correctly punctuated. It needs a full stop after ‘store’ or a semicolon to separate the two independent clauses.
When two independent clauses are joined without proper punctuation, a full stop or semicolon is necessary.
“How can you correct the fragment ‘Running late for the meeting’?”
You can complete the thought: ‘I am running late for the meeting.’
Adding a subject and a verb fixes the fragment and makes it a complete sentence.
“How can you fix this run-on sentence?
‘She studied for hours she passed the test.’
You can fix it by adding a period, semicolon, or conjunction:
‘She studied for hours. She passed the test.’
or ‘She studied for hours, and she passed the test.’
Proper punctuation or a conjunction fixes a run-on sentence by separating the independent clauses.
Is this sentence correct?
‘She was tired, but she still went to the party.’
Yes, the sentence is correct.
The comma correctly separates the two independent clauses in this compound sentence, as it comes before the conjunction “but.”
“Is this sentence correct?
‘I have a meeting at 3 PM; I’ll be late if I don’t leave now.’
Yes, this sentence is correct.
The semicolon properly separates two related independent clauses.
“Is this sentence correct?
‘I have a big test tomorrow.’
Yes, this sentence is correct.
A full stop is appropriately used at the end of this declarative sentence, showing a complete thought.
“Is this a sentence fragment?
‘After the storm passed, the sun came out.’
No, this is a complete sentence.
This sentence contains both a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought.
“Is the following sentence a run-on?
‘I am going to the park I want to play soccer.’
Yes, it is a run-on sentence.
A semicolon or conjunction is needed to separate the two independent clauses properly.
“Why is this sentence incorrect?
‘I like bananas, apples, and oranges.’
The sentence is correct.
The sentence is correctly punctuated with commas separating items in the series. The Oxford comma (before ‘and’) is optional but often used for clarity.
“Can a semicolon replace a full stop in a sentence?”
Yes, a semicolon can replace a full stop between two closely related independent clauses.
A semicolon shows a closer relationship between ideas than a full stop would.
“What is the difference between a full stop and a question mark?”
A full stop is used at the end of a statement, while a question mark is used at the end of a direct question.
The full stop marks the end of a statement or command, and the question mark shows that a question is being asked.
“What is the key difference between a complete sentence and a sentence fragment?”
A complete sentence contains both a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought, while a fragment lacks one or both of these elements.
A complete sentence forms a full idea, while a fragment leaves something missing.
“What is one common way to correct a run-on sentence?”
You can separate the independent clauses with a semicolon, a period, or a coordinating conjunction.
Use punctuation (semicolon or period) or conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to fix run-ons.