Punctuation Spacing
Punctuation Spacing
Using Correct Fingers
Using Correct Fingers
Proper Techniques
The number of times you space after a period at the end of a sentence.
What is two?
The number of times you space after a question mark at the end of a sentence.
What is two?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is used to type the letter "C".
What is letter "D"?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is used to type the letter "E".
What is the letter "D"?
This is keyboarding class Rule Number One... You should not be peeking at these while typing.
What is the hands?
The number of times you space after a comma in a sentence.
What is one?
The number of times you space after an exclamation point at the end of a sentence.
What is two?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is used to type the letters "R", "T", "G", "V" and "B".
What is the letter "F"?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is use to type the letters "Y", "U", "H", "N" and "M".
What is the "J" key?
This is keyboarding class Rule Number Two... You should concentrate and not be _____________ to your neighbors.
What is talking?
The number of times you space after a colon used in time of day. Example 12:00
What is zero?
The number of times you space after a period used as a decimal point in a dollar amount. Example $12.00
What is zero?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is used to type the letter "O" and the period.
What is the letter "L"?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is used to type the comma.
What is the letter "K"?
You practice this when you sit up straight in your chair while you are typing.
What is good posture?
The number of times you space after a colon used in a sentence. Example - We will practice keyboarding in the following buildings: Learning Lab, Practice Pavilion, and Skill Building.
What is two?
The number of times you space after a semicolon used in a sentence. Example - The girls will practice keyboarding; the boys will practice keyboarding as well.
What is one?
These two keys have the same name and they are used when typing capital letters and the question mark.
What is the shift key?
This is the key that is used with a left-hand home row key to type a capital letter.
What is the right-hand shift key?
This is the area on the keyboard that you always rest your fingers on and move from as you type.
What is the home row?
The number of spaces that you indent a paragraph when you press the Tab key one time.
What is five spaces?
The number of times you space after a period in an abbreviation. Example - Mr. is the abbreviation for Mister.
What is one?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is used to press the Tab Key and the left-hand Shift Key.
What is the letter "A"?
The letter key name of the home row finger that is used to press the Return Key and the right-hand Shift Key.
What is the semi-colon key?
This is the part of your arm that should never be on the desk while typing, even if the keyboard has a wrist rest.
What is the elbows?